🚨 PRESIDENT TRUMP INDICTMENT: LIVE Coverage of Protests, Rallies in Manhattan 4-4-23 (multipart post)

Original video. Since the Bragg indictment didn’t even mention the crime, the case should be thrown out. See 4/06 parts. Please check out all parts of this post.

There is no point in dancing around the truth… Let’s call this atrocity what it is:

Election Fraud!!!

I have not heard one legal authority who thinks there is even the weakest of cases here. And, Bragg’s entire process is completely errant. See Tucker Carlson segment below.

Streamed on: Apr 4, 10:00 am EDT

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One of President Trump’s Ads about this atrocity.

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Trump Team Releases Powerful Viral Ad In Response to Indictment

Original video.


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Marjorie Taylor Greene Speech: LIVE Coverage of Protests, Rallies in Manhattan 4/4/23

Original article. No surprise here; the PURE EVIL of the Biden Communist Party.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene Interview: Manhattan as President Trump Arraigned in New York 4/4/23

Original video. The only way to exercise free speech in NY today is to find a place isolated from the TDS deraigned agitators.

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Tucker Carlson on Trump Case: ‘This is the Boldest Election Interference Ever Attempted in This Country’s History’ (VIDEO)

Original video.

By Mike LaChance, Apr. 4, 2023 8:40 pm, 140 Comments

In his opening remarks tonight, before Trump spoke at Mar-a-Lago, Tucker Carlson talked about the Trump indictment and the circus in New York City today.

Tucker suggested that this is all about the 2024 election and that it is intended to make Trump toxic to swing voters in the general election.

Tucker then points out, correctly, that at the end of the day, this is election interference. For all the Democrat screeching in recent years about Russia collusion and election interference, they are now doing precisely that. They are attempting to interfere with the 2024 election.


If you watched that whole thing, you noticed that Tucker referenced this tweet by Nayib Bukele, the President of El Salvador:

It’s sickening to watch what Democrats and the media are doing to our country.

Tucker is obviously right that this is all about politics, but it’s even more sinister than that. The people who claimed that Trump would wreck our cherished norms are burning down the country to get their way.

They never cared about our cherished norms and it has never been more obvious.

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By Not Providing President Trump with His Alleged Crimes, DA Bragg (Who Lets Murderers Go) Is Pushing a Legally Defective Case Eligible to be Dismissed Per an Expert Attorney

Original article. Oops, forgot the crime. “Did he sleep through Constitutional Law at Harvard?” He has picked his target, but he appears to be still searching for the crime. When you let Demos get away with unlawful tactics for generations, this is what you get. Embarrassment for our entire country!!! Apparently, the judge dozed off while reading the indictment too (33 repetitions you know).

By Joe Hoft, Apr. 6, 2023 5:16 pm, 206 Comments

DA Bragg lets murderers go but indicts President Trump on bogus charges.  

One New York City mom lost her son to murderers and they were let go by DA Bragg.

Corrupt and Obama and Biden connected Bragg then charges the President of the United States with “crimes” but he can’t tell us what the exact crimes were that President Trump allegedly committed in his bogus case against the President.

Soros-backed DA Alvin Bragg had a Constitutional duty to tell President Trump what crimes he committed when he was indicted and arrested and charged, but he never did.  At least one expert claims that he had the absolute duty to do so and by not stating the crimes, the President’s Constitutional rights have been destroyed. 

Attorney Gregg Jarrett says that  Soros-backed Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg had a constitutional duty to provide President Trump with the crimes that he allegedly committed but there are none.  So Bragg laid out some BS during his press conference.  It was embarrassing.

FOX News reports:

Former President Donald Trump’s Sixth Amendment rights may have been violated when New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg refused to disclose the underlying crime the defendant intended to conceal through his alleged falsification of business records, legal experts opined Wednesday.

The Sixth Amendment provides in part for the right of a criminal defendant to “be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor…”

On “Hannity,” Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett forcefully dismissed Bragg’s claim, saying he likely violated Trump’s right to know what he is specifically being accused of.

“He does [have to name it, via] the Sixth Amendment,” Jarrett said. “[The indictment] is therefore facially defective. It is deficient on its face and it would be susceptible to a motion-to-dismiss.”

Jarrett questioned whether Bragg slept through constitutional law in his studies at Harvard, envisioning the prosecutor working late one evening in New York City, mumbling that “I’ve got to get Trump — What crime? — What crime?” and that an office worker simply remarked, “Don’t say anything.”

President Trump is moving forward.  We all are.  We have to be strong and move ahead to prevent these monsters like Bragg from destroying this country.

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Rep. Jordan Subpoenas Former Manhattan Prosecutor Who Pushed For Trump Indictment

Original article.

By Joseph Lord. April 6, 2023 Trump Indictment

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, delivers remarks during a business meeting prior to a hearing on U.S. southern border security on Capitol Hill in Washington Feb. 1, 2023. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) has subpoenaed a former Manhattan prosecutor who pushed for an indictment against former President Donald Trump. The move came days after Trump pleaded not guilty to felony charges brought by the Manhattan district attorney’s office in a prosecution that has ignited outrage from Republicans.

Jordan on April 6 wrote (pdf) to former Manhattan prosecutor Mark Pomerantz, ordering him to appear before the House Judicial Committee to provide testimony.

Pomerantz, who authored a book titled “People vs. Donald Trump,” was a Manhattan prosecutor under District Attorney (DA) Alvin Bragg. Pomerantz earlier led an investigation into Trump’s finances but resigned in February 2022 because of Bragg’s initial unwillingness to pursue a criminal case.

The subpoena comes after Pomerantz rejected an offer to testify voluntarily. Pomerantz said he was instructed to refuse by the Manhattan DA’s office.

“Based on your unique role as a special assistant district attorney leading the investigation into President Trump’s finances, you are uniquely situated to provide information that is relevant and necessary to inform the Committee’s oversight and potential legislative reforms,” Jordan wrote to Pomerantz.

Mark F. Pomerantz, at a New York press conference in March 12, 2008. (Chris Hondros/Getty Images)

On April 4, Trump appeared at the New York Supreme Court, where Bragg’s office charged him with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to a hush money payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in the weeks before the 2016 presidential election. Daniels claims she had an affair with Trump in 2006, which Trump denies.

Trump has maintained his innocence, saying the case is politically motivated, a refrain echoed by many Republicans.

Jordan, in the letter, rejected the notion that Pomerantz has any justifiable reason to reject the summons, noting that he had addressed the issue several times before in his book and on prime-time television appearances.

In response to the subpoena, Bragg’s office accused House Republicans of attempting to “undermine” an active investigation and criminal case “with an unprecedented campaign of harassment and intimidation.”

“Repeated efforts to weaken state and local law enforcement actions are an abuse of power and will not deter us from our duty to uphold the law,” Bragg’s office wrote on Twitter.

Alleged Political Motives

Jordan also suggested that Pomerantz’s personal contempt for Trump, as revealed in his book, could have played a role in his push to have Trump indicted.

The lawmaker cited a review of Pomerantz’s book that described it as “a 300-page exercise in score-settling and scorn.”

He said the book “also reveals the extent to which the New York county district attorney’s office’s investigation of President Trump appears to have been politically motivated.”

For instance, at one point in the book, the letter stated, Pomerantz joked that he would have paid money to have the chance to prosecute Trump. At another point, Pomerantz opined that the Manhattan DA’s office would be “warranted in throwing the book” at Trump because he “had become a master of breaking the law in ways that were difficult to reach.”

“In other words,” Jordan wrote, “as a special assistant district attorney, you seem, for reasons unrelated to the facts of this particular investigation, to have been searching for any basis on which to bring criminal charges.”

“These perceptions appear to have colored your work as a special assistant district attorney, to the point that you even resigned because the investigation into President Trump was not proceeding fast enough for your liking,” the letter stated.

House GOP Probes

Since the announcement of the indictment against Trump, Jordan has issued requests for testimony from Pomerantz and Carey Dunne, another former Manhattan prosecutor who resigned at the same time as Pomerantz.

Jordan, along with two House GOP committee chairs, has also sought testimony and documents from Bragg himself. The Judiciary chair has criticized it as “an unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority.” Bragg’s office has hit back at the probe, calling the congressional inquiry illegitimate.

Leslie Dubeck, the general counsel for the Manhattan DA’s office, in a March 23 letter responding to GOP request, said that complying “would interfere with law enforcement,” the requests for documents and communications “violate New York’s sovereignty,” and that a “congressional review of a pending criminal investigation usurps executive powers.”

In his Thursday letter, Jordan responded to these criticisms, saying that his investigations are entirely legal.

“The Supreme Court has recognized that Congress has a ‘broad and indispensable’ power to conduct oversight, which ‘encompasses inquiries into the administration of existing laws, studies of proposed laws, and surveys in our social, economic or political system for the purpose of enabling Congress to remedy them,’” Jordan wrote.

Further, Jordan said that Congress has “a specific and manifestly important interest” in “preventing politically motivated prosecutions of current and former Presidents by elected state and local prosecutors, particularly in jurisdictions—like New York County—where the prosecutor is popularly elected and trial-level judges lack life tenure.”

If such a case were allowed to stand, Jordan said, it could negatively impact the actions of future presidents fearful of meeting a similar fate.

“A President could choose to avoid taking action he believes to be in the national interest because it would negatively impact New York City for fear that he would be subject to a retaliatory prosecution in New York City,” Jordan wrote.

Thus, Jordan said, the investigation requires congressional oversight to consider reforms that could “insulate” a president from such an outcome.

The Epoch Times has reached out to Pomerantz’s law firm for comment.

From The Epoch Times

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