AZ Election Integrity Declaration

This declaration is patterned after the one being executed in PA.  See the following video to better understand how it works.  And, see the signing ceremony to better understand how the entire state rallied behind this issue.  This IS NOT a request!!  We are putting the AZ Legislature on notice of what We The People of Arizona are requiring of our elected officials.  The only allowed responses are: 1) Yes, we will get that done.  2) No, we refuse to do that.

Here is the text of the declaration:
Whereas electoral integrity is essential to the functioning of a constitutional republic, and

Whereas the move to mail-in and drop-box voting in Arizona has undermined the integrity of our electoral process,

We the People of the State of Arizona do hereby demand that the Arizona state legislature immediately return the State of Arizona to in-person voting on election day, with the exceptions as noted in ARS 16-103, with photo identification, proof of US citizenship, state residency and hardcopy paper ballots as proposed in HB2289, in its current revision dated 3/15/2022.


Please go to the website (link above) to sign the petition, then spread this information to as many citizens of Arizona as you can!!  You can also print flyers to hand out here.

Here is the Arizona Declaration signing ceremony at the AZ State Capitol:

Jim O’Connor delivers speech during the signing of the Arizona Election Integrity Declaration, May 25th, 2022.

Here is how the process worked in PA:

See how the entire state of PA rallied behind this issue at the Signing Ceremony May 11th.

Event starts at 12 minutes 50 seconds in the video.

70 Groups Take a Stand for Election Integrity in PA. These groups created a declaration, which they signed and delivered to the PA Legislature. Gwyn Fowler live streamed this event for us.

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