A Summary of the Audit and Canvass Reports

Download this fact sheet here: Summary of the Audit and Canvass Report .

The Maricopa County Forensic Election Audit report was presented by Doug Logan of Cyber Ninjas on 9/24/21. Refer to Volume 3 of the audit report which you can find https://www.azsenaterepublicans.com/audit

  1. Paper Count: You can count the paper ballots (both real and fake), and it will always equal the total paper count showing Biden won Maricopa County by 45,469 physical votes.
    • 5.3.1: 23,344 cast from prior voter addresses
    • 5.4.1: 9,041 more il-in ballots returned than were sent out to voters.
    • 5.4.2: 5,295 voters voted in multiple counties
    • 5.5.1: The official totals do not match those who voted by 3432 ballots
  2. Voting Machine Findings:
    • 6.4.1: The Election Management System Database was purged, and all tallies were cleared. This violates the law.
    • 6.4.2: A large number of election files had been deleted. This violates the law.
    • 6.4.3: Beginning November 1st, ~50% of the ballot images (263,139) were corrupt and unreadable. These ballots could not be counted/validated.
    • 6.5.1: 21,273 ballot images are missing, substantially less than the total number of paper ballots.
  3. EchoMail report on Early Voting Ballot Envelopes:
    • Identified 34,448 mail-in ballot envelope images being 2 copies, 3 copies and 4 copies (duplicate voters).
    • 6,545 more envelopes were processed by Maricopa than identified by EchoMail
    • 1,919 envelope images with blank signature regions
    • 2,580 envelope images with scribbles in the signature regions

The total questionable ballot count from the audit report (more is listed within the report) is:

  • Physical Count discrepancies (top 3) 37,680          3x margin of victory
  • Machine discrepancies (top 1) 284,412        28x margin of victory
  • EVB Envelopes                              45,492          5x margin of victory
  • Total potential ballot discrepancies 367,584
  • Total is 36x the margin of victory

The primary point mispresented by the Media, Ken Bennet and others was that Biden won since the physical count was essentially the same, showing candidate Biden had more votes. However, this is not supported by the data within the report. The facts from the report and our canvassing report support each other. Due to these significant disparities, the outcome of the election is truly unknowable.

If we presented any particular area as the only discrepancy, it still exceeds the margin of the win.



The Liz Harris’s Voter Integrity Project Canvassing Report

Liz Harris’s Voter Integrity Project canvassed throughout Maricopa County and published the first report on September 8th, 2021. Within this report, they reported two primary categories of ineligible ballots: lost votes and phantom voters. The findings are incredibly close to the machine discrepancy count.

Within this report, almost 12,000 registered voters had been surveyed by her canvassers. The canvass as conducted generally yields a confidence interval of 1.5% at a confidence level of 95%. Said another way, very similar to voting polls, the accuracy of these results applied to the county as a whole is within +/- 1.5% with 95% certainty, which is the scientific, statistical standard for samples such as this.

Lost Votes: These are American citizens living in Maricopa County who cast a vote, primarily by mail, in the election, yet there is no record of their vote with the county, and it was not counted in the reported vote totals for the election.

Ghost Votes: Mail-in votes were cast under the names of registered voters who were either unknown to the residents of the registration address or who were verified as having moved away before October 2020.

  • Lost Votes: 173,104                  17x margin of victory
  • Ghost Votes: 96,389                   5x margin of victory
  • Total 269,493       27x margin of victory

The Solution

There is but one solution that could immediately stop all the fraud and provide cost savings within the process. A single bill to change the election process to the following would remove all threats to our republic.

  • Single Day Voting
  • In-person (except for military and severely handicapped)
  • Voter ID (Driver’s License, State ID)
  • Paper Ballots
  • Hand Count (this saves money!!)
  • Smaller Precinct
  • Results by 9 PM


Demand our elections are fraud-free, and this is the quickest and most affordable method to guarantee your vote counts as much as every voting citizen.

You can access a copy of the canvass report at  Canvass50.com