Blank Check for Socialism

Original article.  I’m sure you have figured out by now, Demo bills are never about what they are labeled or what they tell you.  And, they are made voluminous in hopes of no one finding out what is in them.  Thank God for reports like this one!  Only Demos would put a tax on animals that is more than the animal is worth.  Only Demos would buy votes with voter’s money: ‘$200 billion of federal spending for “free…”’  We need a total rollup of costs of hiring IRS agents to snoop on everyone’s bank account with at least $600 of cash in or out annually (that is everyone).  Again, they are spending our money to implement Communist tactics against us.  And, he says there are “thousands more” of these terrible items in the bill.  You know what to do… stay on your members of Congress.

Washington, September 22, 2021

Congressman Markwayne Mullin OK-02

Mullin’ It Over Column

By now, you have probably heard about President Biden’s $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better” bill and all the empty promises in it. The truth is that it will do nothing to build our country up. Instead, this is a blank check to take our country into socialism.

This bill will change every American’s way of life. It’s filled with radical policy changes that will raise costs on all goods, put the federal government in charge of educating your kids, prioritize climate policy over national security, breach every American’s privacy, and saddle future generations with debt.

In an attempt to eliminate fossil fuels, this legislation would impose a “fee” on all methane emissions, including in our agriculture industry. We all know that a fee is just a tax and that consumers are the ones who will pay for it. The tax is estimated to cost $6,500 per dairy cow, $2,600 per head of cattle, and $500 per swine each year. That is more than what the animals are worth, it’ll run ranchers out of business. 

Democrats are touting that this bill has $200 billion of federal spending for “free” universal preschool and community college. What the Democrats aren’t promoting is that states will be required to foot 50 percent of the cost once this measure is up and running. This is the same for free community college provisions. States will be required to foot 25 percent of the two years free of community college costs as well. Nothing is ever free. The state of Oklahoma will pay for this bill too, not just Washington.

The Biden Administration argues new Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provisions in the bill will narrow the tax-gap, but it’s just a gross example of federal overreach. The IRS would require banks to report transaction data for any account with at least $600 of cash in or out annually, violating the privacy of what Americans do with their money.

These are just a few of the worst provisions in this legislation and there are thousands more that take us closer to full blown socialism. And beyond that, it calls for the highest sustained federal spending level in American history that will saddle our future generations with massive debt.

The Democrats want government control over every aspect of our lives and that’s exactly what they are delivering. If this bill gets signed into law, it’s the end of the American dream and the beginning of government dependency.

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