Original article. Of course, there is no such thing as “check out” procedures. That was jus one of the voter suppression tactics.
By Jim Hoft
Published November 19, 2022 at 8:35 pm 356 Comments

Arizona Attorney General’s Office Fires Off Letter to Maricopa County Regarding 2022 Midterm Election Day Irregularities
The letter is signed by Jennifer Wright, the Assistant Attorney General from the state of Arizona.
In the letter Jennifer Wright explains that the Attorney General’s Elections Integrity Unit has received HUNDREDS of complaints by concerned citizens since pertaining to issues related to the administration of the 2022 General Election in Maricopa County. The complaints include first-hand accounts from witnesses raising concerns regarding Maricopa’s lawful compliance with Arizona election code.
The Attorney General’s office also includes how at least 60 voting locations out of 230 in the county had tabulators and printing machines that were not working on Election Day.
The Attorney General’s office demanded that Maricopa County provide a comprehensive list on the equipment failures on Election Day.
The AG’s office admits that the machines were allegedly working the night before the election but that 25-30 percent of the machines were down hours later on Election Day morning.
Based on the plethora of reports from election workers, poll observers, and voters, combined with Maricopa County’s admission that there were in fact widespread problems related to non-uniform BOD printer configuration settings, the Unit requests that Maricopa County provide a comprehensive report detailing with specificity:
(1) the voting locations that had problems with either BOD printers or tabulation;
(2) the specific problems at each voting location;
(3) any other issues related to BOD printers and/or tabulators that may have contributed to the problems at voting locations;
(4) a comprehensive log of all changes to the BOD printer configuration settings (to include the identity of individuals making changes);
(5) MaricopaCounty’s standards for the BOD printer configuration settings as specified in internal technical specifications and/or manufacturer technical specifications;
(6) the precise time the non-uniform printer configuration settings were found to be the root cause of the problem; and
(7) the method used to update or reconfigure the printer configuration settings at each voting location(specifically, if technicians were sent to the voting location, when were they deployed in the field and when did they make the changes at each voting location; alternatively, if the network administrator was able to make universal changes, please detail when and how the printer configuration settings were corrected).
Maricopa County must also explain election “check-out” procedures including why Maricopa County election workers publicly encouraged voters to leave a voting location.
Maricopa County is also being asked to explain the “Door 3” procedures.
The request by the Attorney’s General office must be completed by Monday November 28, 2022.
Berlin, Germany this week announced they will redo fraudulent elections from 2021 following long lines, no ballots, and voter suppression.
It sounds a lot like what we just witnessed in Maricopa County.
Here is a copy of the letter sent out tonight to Maricopa County.
** End of article **
Note: Scribd says the document has been removed. Please go to the bottom of the original article (link at top of the post) to see the entire letter. Here is key information extracted from the letter:
The following points are from the letter from the AG’s Office to Maricopa County and referenced documents.
- Letter from the AG’s office, in this TGP article, pointed to this Rasmussen Reports Tweet: “Update: New – 48% of Maricopa election centers had printer or tabulator malfunctions on election day, not the previously estimated 20%. And no such widespread issues were reported during the early voting period that preceded election day and used the very same equipment. Wow.”
- From the same letter: “Notably, it has also been reported that the BOD printers were discontinued by the manufacturer prior to the 2022 General Election, but were nonetheless used.” WaPo article: As Arizona counts votes, Republicans seize on Election Day glitches. “The county has about 760 printers for printing ballots on demand, according to Megan Gilbertson, communications director for the county’s elections department. About 600 of those were made by Oki, a corporation headquartered in Japan, which discontinued all sales of its printers (end-of-life) in the United States in March 2021. Oki has said it continues to supply parts, software updates and other services. Gilbertson said those printers are the ones that had problems.”
- Tweet from Maricopa County Elections Department: “Today in Tabulation: staff is completing a reconciliation of ballots cast against check ins. It will be on our live stream and political party observers are present. This routine process happens every election to ensure only legal ballots are counted.”
- Arizonans deserve a full report and accounting of the myriad problems that occurred in relation to Maricopa County’s administration of the 2022 General Election. As the canvass is looming, and these issues relate to Maricopa County’s ability to lawfully certify election results –the Unit requests a response to the aforementioned issues on or before Maricopa County submits its official canvass to the Secretary of State, which must occur on or before November 28,2022. See A.R.S. § 16-642(A).
** End of post**