Biden Regime Lumps Christians, Conservatives, and Republicans into Same Category as Nazis in New DHS Anti-Terrorism Program
Original article. Not only is the Biden family criminal, but also terrible for our country!!!
By Jim Hoft, May. 25, 2023 11:00 am, 2785 Comments
Earlier this year we learned that the FBI was targeting and infiltrating Catholic parishes to spy on the congregations.
The FBI has also infiltrated protests and admitted to having dozens of federal assets who were working inside the January 6, 2021 protests in Washington DC.
The Biden regime was also caught working with private companies to censor speech in America.
Now this…
The Biden regime is lumping Christians, conservatives and Republicans into the same category as Nazis in their new Department of Homeland Security terrorism program.
Read: Dr. Peter McCullough On “The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification”
This in unprecedented in American history. Not only is the regime targeting its political oppenents and jailing hundreds of Trump supporters but they have broadened their targeted population to include Christians.
At what point will Americans wake up and understand they the country is in the middle of a Marxist takeover?
FOX News reported:
The Biden administration is doling out taxpayer money through an anti-terrorism grant initiative to a university program that has explicitly lumped the Republican Party, as well as Christian and conservative groups, into the same category as Nazis, according to documents shared exclusively with Fox News Digital.
The Media Research Center, a conservative watchdog group, obtained documents through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests showing a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) program meant to fight terrorism is funding a group whose work has explicitly targeted the American political right. The MRC outlined its findings in a report, arguing what the group found warrants criminal prosecution.
“This terrorism task force is engaged in an active effort to demonize and eliminate Christian, conservative, and Republican organizations using federal taxpayer dollars,” said Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center. “What we have uncovered calls for criminal prosecution. The American people need to know those who are abusing their positions in the federal government will be held accountable for their criminal behavior.”
DHS’s Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program (TVTP) provides funds to various public, private, and non-profit institutions — such as universities and county governments — “to establish or enhance capabilities to prevent targeted violence and terrorism.” Grant applicants must be based in the U.S. and implement a U.S.-based program.
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“Multiple Steps – Slow Walked at Direction of Department of Justice” – IRS Whistleblower in Hunter Biden Probe Goes Public, Speaks to CBS News (UPDATE: Full Video of Interview)
Original article. DOJ has some explaining to do. Have they committed treason?
By Kristinn Taylor, May. 24, 2023 6:52 pm, 376 Comments
The IRS whistleblower who went to Congress with claims the Justice Department interfered with a years-long high profile tax investigation–reported to involve Hunter Biden–has gone public, granting an interview with CBS News that aired Wednesday evening. (Update: Full video added at end of article.)

Supervisory Criminal Investigative Agent Gary Shapley, a 14-year IRS veteran, spoke to CBS two days before he is scheduled to give closed door testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee on Friday. Shapley, a registered Republican, says he is non-partisan in his work and does not make political contributions, telling CBS, “I’m just simply not a political person. This is a job, and my oath of office is to treat everybody fairly that we investigate.”
Shapley had fruitlessly gone to multiple in-house whistleblower channels at the IRS and DOJ before turning to Congress in frustration.
A second IRS whistleblower, a member of Shapley’s team, contacted Congress last week with similar concerns of DOJ interference.
Shapley’s attorney Mark Lytle informed Congress last week that Shaplry and his team of investigators had been abruptly pulled off the investigation on orders of the Justice Department.
CBS posted a brief clip of Shapley saying, “There was multiple steps that were slow walked at the direction of the Department of Justice.”
Excerpt from the CBS report online:
“There were multiple steps that were slow-walked — were just completely not done — at the direction of the Department of Justice,” said Gary Shapley, a 14-year veteran of the agency, who spoke exclusively to CBS News chief investigative correspondent Jim Axelrod on Tuesday. “When I took control of this particular investigation, I immediately saw deviations from the normal process. It was way outside the norm of what I’ve experienced in the past.”
…Shapley told CBS News he became increasingly concerned about measures being taken that he said appeared to shield the target of the investigation — which CBS News independently confirmed is Hunter Biden.
“Each and every time, it seemed to always benefit the subject,” Shapley said. “It just got to that point where that switch was turned on. And I just couldn’t silence my conscience anymore.”
…”For a couple years, we’d been noticing these deviations in the investigative process. And I just couldn’t, you know, fathom that DOJ might be acting unethically on this,” he said.
CBS News obtained a letter Shapley’s attorneys sent last week to the Office of the Special Counsel, a federal agency dedicated to assisting government whistleblowers. The letter alleges “irregularities” in the Department of Justice’s handling of the case, and cites a “charged meeting” Shapley’s team had with Justice Department prosecutors last October. According to the letter, following that meeting, Shapley’s team was effectively excluded from the investigation. Shapley would not say if he made prosecutors aware of his concerns but did acknowledge the incident prompted him to blow the whistle.
“It was my red-line meeting,” Shapley said. “It just got to that point where that switch was turned on, and I just couldn’t silence my conscience anymore.”
End excerpt. Please read the complete CBS report at this link.
Breitbart reported earlier Wednesday that IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel sent a letter to Congress last week blaming the DOJ for the removal of the whistleblower (excerpt):
IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel told Congress the Justice Department (DOJ) made the decision to purge an IRS whistleblower from the DOJ’s probe into Hunter Biden, according to a letter sent to House Ways and Means Committee Chair Jason Smith (R-MO).
Werfel’s letter on May 17 responded to Smith’s May 16 inquiry about concerns that a high-ranking IRS agent faced retaliation for raising red flags about alleged political interference in the tax probe of Hunter Biden.
Werfel said the decision to remove a whistleblower from the tax investigation was at the DOJ’s direction, confirming what a second IRS whistleblower alleged Monday.
“The IRS whistleblower you reference alleges that the change in their work assignment came at the direction of the Department of Justice,” reads the letter, obtained by Fox News. “As a general matter and not in reference to any specific case, I believe it is important to emphasize that in any matter involving federal judicial proceedings, the IRS follows the direction of the Justice Department.”
Werfel disavowed any potential role he allegedly had in removing the IRS whistleblowers from the case.
“I want to state unequivocally that I have not intervened – and will not intervene – in any way that would impact the status of any whistleblower,” Werfel said.
Featured Image via Kevin Tober with the Media Research Center.
UPDATE: Brief report on Gary Shapley by John Solomon:
UPDATE: Complete CBS interview:
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Marjorie Taylor Greene: Treasury is Hiding Human Sex Trafficking Documents on Hunter Biden – With Names, Addresses, Phone Numbers of People Involved in Prostitution Rings – Including Russians (VIDEO)
Original article. Folks, this is a MAJOR security risk which is being covered up. The thickest Biden Family crime file is on Human Sex Trafficking. Isn’t covering up a security risk like this treason? It is certainly potentially aiding and abetting our enemies.
By Jim Hoft, May. 24, 2023 11:15 am, 239 Comments

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) joined Steve Bannon on Wednesday morning on The War Room to discuss the ongoing deep state corruption. MTG told Steve Bannon that Treasury is holding onto documents that show Hunter Biden’s firm paying accounts known to be running prostitution rings.
Steve Bannon: Nancy Mace said in these reports, as you’ve gone through them, the thickest file is in what you guys call human trafficking… People’s heads blow up when they see that. And I’m going to make sure as you and Congressman Mace have gone through and looked at these things, that the bank sent to treasury, the thickest file you go through is related to human trafficking. What does that mean?
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Let me be clear. It’s not us labeling this ‘human sex trafficking.’ Those are the words used in the reports.
Steve Bannon: Hang on for a second. They have a summary report and it says “human sex trafficking” in the report.
MTG: It also says prostitution rings… These are related to Hunter Biden and his law firm. His law firm with transactions paying people who were Wells Fargo customers who were involved in a “known prostitution ring” in what appears to be “alleged human sex trafficking.” I am quoting the report when I say that, and these reports have been in there for a very long time. This is the information that went public from the Hunter Biden laptop, but is backed up with actual SARS reports in the Treasury from banks that state it as a fact, and then we have the bank statements to back it up.
Steve Bannon: …Did that go to the FBI? Did that go to the Justice Department? Did other entities? Because when reports done, it says human sex trafficking. Aren’t alarms supposed to go off inside? We pay $5 trillion for this. Aren’t alarms supposed to go off?
MTG: These reports have names, addresses, phone numbers, passports, passport numbers, birthdates of the people involved, in the transactions of the people involved in the known prostitution ring… These women, many of them are United States citizens, but there’s quite a few of them that are not. They are Russian and Ukrainian. Russian and Ukrainian. Now we already know that Eric Swalwell had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy that created serious national security complications. What we need to understand is did Hunter Biden, by being so involved in drug use and not in control of himself and having repeated, repeated, repeatedly paying for prostitutes from Russia and Ukraine. What kind of danger did he put America in? What were these women exposed to? What information were they able to learn? What information were they able to gain? What do they know and what do Russia and Ukraine know based on Hunter Biden paying for sex, being involved in human sex trafficking with women from Russia and Ukraine? Were they spies?
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IRS Whistleblower and Entire Team Abruptly Removed from Hunter Biden Investigation at Request of Justice Department: Lawyers
By Kristinn Taylor, May. 15, 2023 8:39 pm, 698 Comments
Shades of the Watergate Saturday Night Massacre?
A letter sent Monday to Republican and Democrat members of House and Senate committees by attorneys representing the IRS whistleblower in the Hunter Biden investigation states that the whistleblower and his team of investigators have been removed from the investigation at the request of the Justice Department.
The news broke the same day a free-as-a-bird Hunter Biden joined his father and family at a graduation ceremony for his daughter Maisy:

The letter was first reported by Steven Nelson with the New York Post:
Just the News posted a copy of the letter:
Dear Chairs and Ranking Members:
Today the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Criminal Supervisory Special Agent we represent was informed that he and his entire investigative team are being removed from the ongoing and sensitive investigation of the high-profile, controversial subject about which our client sought to make whistleblower disclosures to Congress. He was informed the change was at the request of the Department of Justice.On April 27, 2023, IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel appeared before the House Committee on Ways and Means. He testified: “I can say without any hesitation there will be no retaliation for anyone making an allegation or a call to a whistleblower hotline.” However, this move is clearly retaliatory and may also constitute obstruction of a congressional inquiry.
Our client has a right to make disclosures to Congress pursuant to 26 U.S.C. § 6103(f)(5) and 5U.S.C. § 7211. He is protected by 5 U.S.C. § 2302 from retaliatory personnel actions—including receiving a “significant change in duties, responsibilities, or working conditions”1 (which this clearly is) because of his disclosures to Congress.2 Any attempt by any government official to prevent a federal employee from furnishing information to Congress is also a direct violation of longstanding appropriations restriction.3 Furthermore, 18 U.S.C. § 1505 makes it a crime to obstruct an investigation of Congress.
We respectfully request that you give this matter your prompt attention. Removing the experienced investigators who have worked this case for years and are now the subject-matter experts is exactly the sort of issue our client intended to blow the whistle on to begin with.
Cordially, Tristan Leavitt
President Empower OversightMark D. Lytle
Partner Nixon Peabody LLP
The letter was addressed to:
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) Chairman, Committee on Finance, Co-Chair, Whistleblower Protection Caucus
Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID) Ranking Member, Committee on Finance
Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) Chairman, Committee on Ways & Means
Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA) Ranking Member, Committee on Ways & Means
Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) Chairman, Committee on the Judiciary
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary
Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) Co-Chair, Whistleblower Protection Caucus
Member, Committee on Finance
CBS News reported last week the whistleblower’s attorney recently met with members of Congress (excerpt):
The attorney for the IRS whistleblower who has alleged that the Justice Department interfered in and mishandled the Hunter Biden criminal probe met with members of Congress last week on behalf of his client, according to two sources familiar with the matter.
The Friday meeting was described to CBS News as a proffer session with the House Ways and Means and Senate Finance committees to lay the groundwork for what the whistleblower could tell investigators and how he could do so without running afoul of taxpayer privacy laws. CNN first reported the meeting.
In a letter to Congress last month, the attorney, Mark Lytle, said his client, an unnamed IRS criminal supervisory special agent, could shed light on how the years-long, high-profile investigation had been hindered by “preferential treatment and politics.” However, Lytle said his client could not share “certain information” because of the taxpayer privacy laws.
Rep. James Comer (R-KY) said on Sunday that he knows the names of people at the Biden White House who are intimidating whistlblowers.
Earlier this month Joe Biden defended Hunter in an interview with MSNBC:
For those too young to remember:
Excerpt from the History Channel:
One of the most controversial episodes of the Watergate scandal, the so-called “Saturday Night Massacre” came on October 20, 1973, when embattled President Richard Nixon fired Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and accepted the resignations of Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus.
The “massacre” stemmed from an inquiry into the notorious June 1972 break-in at the Watergate complex, in which five Nixon operatives were caught trying to bug the Democratic National Committee headquarters. Archibald Cox, a Harvard law professor and former U.S. solicitor general, was tapped to investigate the incident in May 1973. He soon clashed with the White House over Nixon’s refusal to release over 10 hours of secret Oval Office recordings, some of which implicated the president in the break-in.
On October 20, 1973, in an unprecedented show of executive power, Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus to fire Cox, but both men refused and resigned their posts in protest. The role of attorney general then fell to Solicitor General Robert Bork, who reluctantly complied with Nixon’s request and dismissed Cox. Less than a half hour later, the White House dispatched FBI agents to close off the offices of the Special Prosecutor, Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General.
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Comer Says He is Going to Drop a Bomb and Reveal Who in the White House is Intimidating Biden Crime Family Whistleblowers (VIDEO)
Original article. Here’s an update on the Biden crime family and the Deep State coverup of the investigation. Whistleblowers are in fear for their lives. Keep in mind, these crimes began before Biden stole the 2020 election. And, if we don’t get rid of voting machines, the 2024 election is also in jeopardy.
In the next part includes more information from Patrick Bryne on this situation he presented on Absolute Truth.
By Cristina Laila, May. 14, 2023 4:35 pm, 752 Comments

House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) appeared on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures with host Maria Bartiromo to discuss the Biden Crime Family.
Last week Comer identified the NINE Bidens who are implicated in the corruption.
“Bank records show the Biden family, their associates, and their companies received over $10 million from foreign nationals and their companies,” Comer said.
“Joe Biden’s son. Joe Biden’s brother. Joe Biden’s brother’s wife. Hunter Biden’s girlfriend/Beau Biden’s widow, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife. Hunter Biden’s current wife. And 3 children of the president’s son and the president’s brother. So we’re talking about grandchildren – a grandchild. That’s odd. Most people that work hard every day a grandchild doesn’t get a wire from a foreign national,” Comer said.
Comer told Maria Bartiromo about the NINE Biden family members who received foreign payments totaling more than $10 million.
James Comer then dropped this bomb — The informant on the Biden family has gone missing.
“9 of the 10 people that we’ve identified… they’re 1 of 3 things: They’re either currently in court. They’re currently in jail. Or they’re currently missing,” Comer said.
Comer added, “We have people who want to come forward, but honestly, Maria, they fear for their lives – not only are the Biden lawyers and the Biden White House intimidating them, the media is trying to intimidate and discredit them.”
“This is stunning that some people are missing,” Maria Bartiromo said.
Maria Bartiromo asked Comer if he knew who in the Biden White House was intimidating the informants and whistleblowers.
“Do you know?” Bartiromo asked Comer.
“I do know. We’re saving that for a later time,” Comer said.
** End **
President Trump Goes on CNN To Debunk Their Lies
Original video. This title is the first part of the following “Absolute Truth” video, but also includes an update from Patrick Byrne (32:48) on the Biden situation as well as evidence of plan to plant kiddy porn on Trump server. The bottom line is this situation continues to develop.
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House Republicans: Biden Family Took Money From China And Romania
Original article. At least $10 Million to at least 9 family members is involved. It sounds like there will be much more to come on this. The Patrick Byrne segment also has more on the Biden story. Also, watch the segment about China’s “Sky Net” that could be coming here. Future updates on the Biden crime family will be inserted before this article.
By The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson, 10 May, 2023
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Regarding the Trump Trial
Original Tweet. Hear is some information on the previously unknown woman. You would think with the amount of money Demos spent on the sham, they could come up with something better than this.
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BREAKING: FBI Hiding Key Document Detailing Bribery Scheme Involving Joe Biden and Foreign National
Original article. This is an option? Defying our entire system of government? Someone should go to jail today!!! I think Christopher Wray, for this and other charges. Apparently, the FBI needs a refresher in what their job and authority is and that would be a good first lesson. Perhaps the NINE Bidens could join him soon.
By Cristina Laila, May. 10, 2023 5:15 pm, 1769 Comments

The FBI and DOJ are hiding a key document from the GOP House Oversight Committee.
The House Oversight Committee said the FBI is failing to comply with a subpoena deadline.
Chairman Comer and Senator Grassley said the FBI is withholding an unclassified FD-1023 form that describes the criminal scheme involving Joe Biden and a foreign national.
“Based on whistleblower disclosures, the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation possess an unclassified FD-1023 form that describes an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions. It has been alleged that the document includes a precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme was employed as well as its purpose.” the Oversight Committee said.
“It’s clear from the FBI’s response that the unclassified record the Oversight Committee subpoenaed exists, but they are refusing to provide it to the Committee. We’ve asked the FBI to not only provide this record, but to also inform us what it did to investigate these allegations. The FBI has failed to do both. The FBI’s position is ‘trust, but you aren’t allowed to verify.’ That is unacceptable. We plan to follow up with the FBI and expect compliance with the subpoena,” said Chairman Comer.
House Oversight Chairman James Comer on Wednesday held a press conference on the Biden Crime Family.
House Republicans announced they now have reviewed 170 suspicious activity reports linked to the Biden Crime Family.
Comer identified the NINE Bidens implicated in corruption.
“Joe Biden’s son. Joe Biden’s brother. Joe Biden’s brother’s wife. Hunter Biden’s girlfriend/Beau Biden’s widow, Hunter Biden’s ex-wife. Hunter Biden’s current wife. And 3 children of the president’s son and the president’s brother. So we’re talking about grandchildren – a grandchild. That’s odd. Most people that work hard every day a grandchild doesn’t get a wire from a foreign national,” Comer said.
James Comer said the Biden family received over $10 million from foreign nationals while Joe Biden was Vice President.
The countries involved directly correlated with Joe Biden’s work as Vice President.
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