Insurrection vs. Fed-Surrection (multipart post)

This Lara Logan series is about how this administration destroys the lives of those who oppose their tyranny. Language warning.

There WAS an insurrection!! (Nov 3rd 2020. J6 just certified the crime.). However, it was not the one made up by the J6 Unselect Committee. That committee should be prosecuted for what they did to their political opponents!! Stay tuned. Make sure you watch the upcoming movie “Let My People Go.”

Bannon Calls “Let My People Go” “Magnificent” and “Epic”

Original video.

The Professor’s Record with David K. Clements, 28.2K followers, 12/13/23

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One of the best J6 memes there is.

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Table of Contents (Reverse Chronological Order)

  1. Bannon Calls “Let My People Go” “Magnificent” and “Epic”
  2. One of the best J6 memes there is.
  3. “They’re Going Down! These People On Their High Perch!” – MUST SEE: Lara Logan Releases New J6 Video with GOP Lawmaker and Crime Fighter Clay Higgins who TELLS ALL (VIDEO)
  4. Let My People Go” Movie streaming 12/15/23. Here is the trailer.
  5. This content is not reproduced within this post: Supreme Court Accepts Case Challenging Jan. 6 Obstruction Charges (including 20 min intro w/ Lee Smith & Julie Kelly. Also includes, a separate video on Jack Smith issue and more.). Full Epoch TV report (link not yet found). It sounds like justice might finally be coming to the TRUE Horrendous Traitors of our country, our constitution and our laws. Keep in mind, lives have been lost as a result of these viscous political attacks.
  6. UPDATE: House Speaker Mike Johnson OFFICIALLY Releases First Batch of January 6 Surveillance Camera Footage – And Guess What?… No Insurrection! No Riot!
  7. MUST SEE… BREAKING NOW: Lara Logan Releases New Episode on Ray Epps “Fed-Surrection Part 3”- WITH THE GATEWAY PUNDIT’S JIM HOFT – And New Video of Ray Epps in Likely Criminal Act! – VIDEO
  8. MUST SEE: Lara Logan Releases PART II of Her Exclusive Investigation on RAY EPPS! – With Never-Seen-Before Ray Epps Footage and Interviews! – VIDEO
  9. BREAKING!… Lara Logan Drops Her Much-Anticipated Production – “The Matthew Perna Story, Part 1” From “The Rest of the Story” Series – WATCH IT HERE AND PASS IT ON!

A message from Lara Logan to the patriots fighting for truth and justice:
Please note the icons for sharing at the bottom of this post.

Here are some past articles on the subject:

  1. Fed-Surrection Update: Rotten FBI Agents Even Befriended J6 Protester and Tried to Convince Him to Create or Use Molotov Cocktails
  2. Fed-Surrection Update: Proud Boys Member Ken Lizardo Who Drove Founder Enrique Tarrio to Meeting with Oath Keepers Founder on Jan. 5th Was an FBI Operative
  3. Meet Samuel Armes – Groomed by the CIA and FBI and Author of the Original “1776 Returns” FED-SURRECTION Document – That He Reportedly Told a Friend to Send to the Proud Boys to Set Them Up
  4. Current Ray Epps Attorney Behind FOX News Lawsuit is Managing Director of 65 Project – His Earlier Attorney Worked for FBI for 9 Years and Bashed Cops on Twitter
  5. J6 Political Prisoner Dominic Pezzola’s Attorney: J6 Was an ‘Organized Government Plot’ — There Is NO EVIDENCE of Conspiracy by Patriots
  6. JUSTICE DENIED: Proud Boys Members Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy by DC Kangaroo Court – Face 20 Years in Prison – After FBI Created and Planted Evidence in Their Chat Room
  7. NY Times FINALLY Reports on Document Used to Indict Proud Boys – Forgets to Mention Gateway Pundit Reports That Reveal the FBI Wrote the Document and Planted It in their Chat Room
  8. 20 CONFIRMED INCIDENTS AND OPERATIONS: The DOZENS of Feds, FBI Agents and State Operatives and Assets Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol and Led the Protests
  9. WOW: Rasmussen Poll Results Show Over 60% of Likely Voters Believe Undercover Government Agents Provoked Jan 6 Riots
  10. BREAKING: Attorney for Ray Epps Was FBI Agent For 9 Years

“They’re Going Down! These People On Their High Perch!” – MUST SEE: Lara Logan Releases New J6 Video with GOP Lawmaker and Crime Fighter Clay Higgins who TELLS ALL (VIDEO)

Original article.

By Jim Hoft, Dec. 14, 2023 7:00 pm, 518 Comments

Representative Clay Higgins (R-LA)

Investigative journalist Lara Logan released the latest episode in her much anticipated investigation into the January 6, 2021 “Fed-surrection” today on Truth in Media website.

In her latest episode, Logan brings on former Louisiana police officer and current US Congressman Clay Higgins to discuss the events that tragic day back in January 2021.

Representative Higgins is famous for confronting FBI Director Chris Wray back in November 2022 on the confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters INSIDE the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

In November 2023 Rep. Higgins confronted Chris Wray again about the FBI’s confidential human sources that were brought to the January 6, 2021 protests. But this time Clay Higgins brought a photo of the government assets boarding buses before the rally.

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) releases photo of alleged FBI “ghost buses” in Union Station on Jan. 6, 2021 during questioning of FBI Director Chris Wray on 11-15-2023.

On Thursday Lara opened the interview with a questions on the letter Rep. Benny Thompson sent to DHS following the January 6, 2021 protests. According to Rep. Clay Higgins this resulted in innocent Trump supporters being placed on the terrorist watch list. This practice still takes place today.

Rep. Clay Higgins: was the beginning of a executive action by the TSA to use its authority to instruct America’s air marshals to track and follow Trump supporters that have been charged with no crime. They were guilty only of arriving by air into DC on January 4, 5th or 6th, and those manifest were turned over to the FBI. The FBI went through those manifests and every American that they identified, that the FBI identified as a Trump supporter that was on those manifests was added to the FBI’s suspected domestic terrorist watchlist… The TSA administrator used his authority to instruct the air marshals of America to track those Americans wherever they fly. Still today, it’s still happening.

The letter was signed by top Republican Rep. John Katko. He approved of this.

This has been going on since January 2021.

Rep. Higgins then makes this promise–

Rep. Clay Higgins: “I’m telling you, we’re in uncharted waters as it relates to the weaponization of our government against the American people. I am not frightened of these people. I’ve spent my life serving others, and I love my country. This thing is not going to just slip away. They’re not going to take us without a fight. I’m going to fight legally and peacefully and within the parameters of the constitution that I’ve sworn to serve. But they’re going down. These men and their high perch and their position of power and authority that are walking upon our entire history, our deepest core principles. They’re not going to get away with it.”

This was an exceptional video – only at Truth in Media.

Watch the entire episode here.


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“Let My People Go” Movie streaming 12/15/23. Here is the trailer

Original video.

Synopsis: Let My People Go is a modern-day deliverance story rooted in biblical themes and archetypes, but instead of examining the bondage of the children of Israel by Pharaoh, the film focuses on the bondage of the American people. “Pharaoh is replaced by a wholly infiltrated and weaponized U.S. government directly and indirectly influenced by CCP and Marxist forces. The film presents two overlapping narratives of America’s enslavement. The first form of slavery is achieved using proprietary “black boxes” and software, where swamp candidates are selected rather than elected. Massive ballot harvesting operations provide the paper trail to cover up the greatest crime in our nation’s history-the removal of Donald J. Trump. The second form of slavery focuses on the real-life consequences of the Americans who gathered and protested the theft of their votes on November 3rd-the January Sixers-that now languish in prison.

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UPDATE: House Speaker Mike Johnson OFFICIALLY Releases First Batch of January 6 Surveillance Camera Footage – And Guess What?… No Insurrection! No Riot!

Original article. Hmm.

By Jim Hᴏft, Nov. 17, 2023 3:40 pm, 2422 Comments

House Speaker Mike Johnson has recently made the first batch of January 6 footage publicly accessible through the Committee on House Administration website.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that House Speaker Mike Johnson has declared his intention to release thousands of hours of surveillance footage from the January 6, 2021, events at the U.S. Capitol.

“Today, I am keeping my promise to the American people and making all the January 6th tapes available to ALL Americans.”

This revelation follows an announcement made by Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., during an interview on Sirius XM’s “The Wilkow Majority” on Thursday.

Gaetz shared that the footage will be made available through a special website, enabling any member of the public to view the videos.

‘“The way that the Jan. 6 tapes will be released will be through a website where any member of the public can go and observe the videos that are being released,” Gaetz said.

“My expectation is they’re going to be released in tranches and that the first tranche of the Johnson tapes to be released will be in days, not weeks,” he added.

On Friday, the Committee on House Administration (CHA) publicly launched the website containing the first trance of January 6 footage to the public.

Speaker Johnson issued the following statement:

When I ran for Speaker, I promised to make accessible to the American people the 44,000 hours of video from Capitol Hill security taken on January 6, 2021. Truth and transparency are critical. Today, we will begin immediately posting video on a public website and move as quickly as possible to add to the website nearly all of the footage, more than 40,000 hours. In the meantime, a public viewing room will ensure that every citizen can view every minute of the videos uncensored.

This decision will provide millions of Americans, criminal defendants, public interest organizations, and the media an ability to see for themselves what happened that day, rather than having to rely upon the interpretation of a small group of government officials.

I commend Chairman Loudermilk and his team for their diligent work to ensure the thousands of hours of videos are promptly processed to be uploaded to the committee’s public website. Processing will involve blurring the faces of private citizens on the yet unreleased tapes to avoid any persons from being targeted for retaliation of any kind and segregating an estimated 5% of the videos that may involve sensitive security information related to the building architecture.

You can view the videos here.

“Follow the link below to view the January 6th tapes for yourself. To restore America’s trust and faith in their Government we must have transparency. This is another step towards keeping the promises I made when I was elected to be your Speaker. This website will be updated continuously with thousands of hours of footage,” Johnson wrote.

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MUST SEE… BREAKING NOW: Lara Logan Releases New Episode on Ray Epps “Fed-Surrection Part 3”- WITH THE GATEWAY PUNDIT’S JIM HOFT – And New Video of Ray Epps in Likely Criminal Act! – VIDEO

Original article.

By Jim Hoft, Nov. 20, 2023 3:23 pm, 893 Comments

Lara Logan released the latest episode of her amazing series “Fed-Surrection Part 3” on January 6 riot and Ray Epps.

The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft is featured prominently in this latest episode.

And, Jim Hoft gives a special shout-out to our Gateway Pundit audience for your integrity, kindness, and generosity in assisting the January 6 political prisoners.

This was Lara’s third investigative piece on Ray Epps. The entire collection is posted on the Truth in Media website.

Lara Logan continued to ask the question: Why was Ray Epps treated as a victim by the same people who condemned almost everyone around him as a threat?

Lara answers some lingering questions about the one “election-denying-Donald Trump-supporter” the media and the government didn’t seem to hate.

Today, Lara Logan shares never-before-seen footage and evidence of a past crime by Ray Epps that was glossed over by Liz Cheney and her shameful Jan. 6 committee.

Lara Logan and Jim Hoft discussed the “criminal act” that sent at least 8 Trump supporters to prison. Eight Trump supporters are serving time today for touching a giant Trump sign that was moving toward police. But for some reason Ray Epps was not charged with this “crime” despite pushing this sign directly at police and then pushing the crowd as the sign moved toward the police line.

Anyone who touched the sign —“an enormous battering ram,” according to prosecutors— was denied bond and subject to lengthy prison sentences.

Here Are the Eight Trump Supporters the FBI Arrested and Who Are Serving Years in Prison for Committing the Same Act

TGP contributor Patty McMurray was first to point out this criminal act by Ray Epps back in 2021.

Clearly, there is more to the Ray Epps story. Lara dives into the Ray Epps mystery.

The Gateway Pundit wants to thank Lara Logan for her courage and honesty in this historic investigation. If life was fair, Lara would receive several awards for her amazing work here.

We also want to thank our TREMENDOUS AUDIENCE – We thank you all – ALL 2.8 daily readers – for your continued support for the January 6 political prisoners.


Original video.

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MUST SEE: Lara Logan Releases PART II of Her Exclusive Investigation on RAY EPPS! – With Never-Seen-Before Ray Epps Footage and Interviews! – VIDEO

Original article.

By Jim Hoft, Nov. 10, 2023 1:20 pm, 355 Comments

Last week investigative journalist Lara Logan released her much anticipated exclusive investigation on Ray Epps at Truth in Media website.

On Friday Lara Logan released PART II — Lara Logan asks why was Ray Epps treated as victim by the same people who condemned almost everyone around him as a threat?

Lara answers some lingering questions about the one “election-denying-Donald Trump-supporter” the media and the government didn’t seem to hate.

Today Lara Logan shares never-before-seen footage and evidence of a past crime by Ray Epps that was glossed over the Liz Cheney and her shameful Jan. 6 committee.

Clearly there is more to the Ray Epps story. Lara dives into the Ray Epps mystery.


Lara Logan released her much anticipated exclusive investigation Friday on Ray Epps at Truth in Media website.

In today’s video — Lara Logan asks why was Ray Epps treated as victim by the same people who condemned almost everyone around him as a threat?

Lara reveals, “We try to answer some lingering questions about the one ‘election-denying-Donald Trump-supporter’ the media and the government didn’t seem to hate.”

Lara Logan shares never-before-seen footage of Ray Epps from January 5th and 6th.

And the footage from the violence December Stop the Steal rally is riveting!


Original video.

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BREAKING!… Lara Logan Drops Her Much-Anticipated Production – “The Matthew Perna Story, Part 1” From “The Rest of the Story” Series – WATCH IT HERE AND PASS IT ON!

Original article.

By Jim Hoft, Sep. 14, 2023 11:00 am, 295 Comments

Investigative journalist Lara Logan announced the release her most important investigative series to date – “The Rest of the Story.”

Lara Logan is a South African television and radio journalist and war correspondent. She was formerly the Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent at CBS News.

Lara Logan has been filming for months on her latest project “The Rest of the Story” with Sovren Media.

The historic production series includes appearances by The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft, Cara Castronuova, J6 family members, and numerous January 6 defendants.

J6 victim Matthew Perna

On Thursday Truth in Media released the first segment in “The Rest of the Story” series – “The Matthew Perna Story, Part 1.”

From today’s video, the last thing Matthew Perna told his Aunt Geri before he died, “I love you too Aunt Geri and I’m sorry you lost all of your friends because of me.”

Matthew then took his life after the Biden regime threatened him with jail time and court dates after he walked into the US Capitol on January 6.

Please watch this magnificent production and pass it on.

Original video.

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Lara will cover several stories ignored by the fake news including the Matthew Perna story.

Please Share This Production – We need to pass on this truth.

Lara will finally give the Rosanne Boyland story the airtime she deserves.

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