Original article.
Fulton County, Georgia received more than one million blank absentee ballots just ten days before the election. That would not give them enough time to fold, place into envelopes, and mail in time for the election. But, then that was possibly not the reason that they bought them, because if it was, they would have also bought envelopes to mail them with, but they didn’t. Even the dead voters who went with Biden must find this strange.
The company that supplied the ballots to Georgia, Runbeck, also supplied ballots to Arizona, including Maricopa County. Did Maricopa also make a late buy of absentee ballots? I do not know, but, someone should find out how many they purchased versus how many they mailed.
This would certainly explain why election workers saw pristine ballots being run through the tabulators. Do not expect Brad Raffensperger to investigate this as it is possible that he already knew it.
We know that Runbeck shipped thousands of ballots to the same guy in Georgia. This is the same man who came up with the fake water leak story. Was he buying time in order to add enough ballots to eke out a Biden win? Again, I don’t know, but it would seem like a good idea to find out.
President Trump held a large lead on election night in all of the swing states, and in all of those states, there were late-night ballot drops which would be at a time when they knew how many votes they needed to take the lead.
We also know Brian Runbeck works for the company with his name. Although not listed as a member of the Executive Team, Brian Runbeck, identifies himself as the Client Services Manager/Project Manager and Production Coordinator at Runbeck Election Services. He manages the production of election ballots and related official election material. He claims he handles high pressure deadlines and high volume production.
Mr. Runbeck also made 50 separate donations to Act Blue, Biden for President and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee between August 15 and October 30, 2020.
NOTE that the BAR CODE is missing from these ballots. This is important because as IT specialist Javon Pulitzer noted in testimony earlier this week, the Fulton County ballots in the general election for GOP precincts included a barcode while the ballots in Democrat districts did not include the barcode.
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