CWALAC to U.S. Senators: “Don’t be Duped,” Vote Against False “Respect for Marriage Act”

Original article. Call 202-224-3121 or otherwise contact your Senators to stop this bill. It is another Demo bill which is the opposite of its title.
By Katie Everett, July 28, 2022

For Immediate Release                                              

July 28, 2022 

Contact: Katie Everett, Press Secretary


Washington, D.C. – Today, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC), the country’s largest public policy women’s organization, joined other organizations in conveying to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) its strong opposition to S.4556, the falsely named “Respect for Marriage Act” as an attack on millions of Americans, particularly people of faith, who believe marriage is between one man and one woman.

The legislation, being considered in the Senate after passing the U.S. House of Representatives,

goes far beyond merely codifying same-sex marriage in federal law. It is a startling expansion of what marriage means—and who may be sued if they disagree—that threatens the freedom of decent and honorable Americans of different faiths, creeds, and walks of life who wish to live consistent with their deeply-held beliefs.

The legislation would require federal recognition of a state’s definition of marriage with no parameters whatsoever, even beyond anything that is recognized right now—plural marriages, open marriages, or even marriages involving minors and adults. And the Act purposely ignores any sort of religious liberty protections.

This legislation does nothing to change the status of, or benefits afforded to, same-sex marriage in light of the Supreme Court’s 2015 Obergefell decision; it does much to endanger people of faith. This legislation will only hasten and intensify hostility against them. As such, anyone who supports this measure is crossing a line into aiding and abetting the persecution of people of faith.

“Our more than 500,000 members across the country will not forget Senators who sell us out on the fundamental issues of marriage and religious freedom,” said Nance.

In addition to opposing the Disrespect for Marriage Act, CWALAC is calling on Senators to support the Unborn Child Support Act and the Standing with Moms Act.


Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee is the legislation and advocacy arm of Concerned Women for America, the Nation’s largest public policy organization for women; we are dedicated to promoting Biblical values and Constitutional principles. More information is available at

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