Original article. How about focusing on applying Election Laws instead of harassing Trump Supporters. Attending CPAC is now a crime that must be investigated???
By Cara Castronuova, Mar. 19, 2023 7:45 am, 879 Comments
A January 6th defendant is in trouble for “hobnobbing with conservative lawmakers”.
The Government says Retired Army Captain Gabriel Garcia violated his pre-release conditions when he attended CPAC earlier this month.
Garcia has been subpoenaed to report to a courthouse in Washington D.C on Monday for a status hearing. This comes after the pre-trial service office reported Garcia to his judge for violating conditions of his release after he attended CPAC. CPAC is an annual political conference attended by conservative activists and elected officials from across the United States and beyond.
Garcia’s family is extremely fearful that Judge Amy Berman Jackson will throw him into the DC Gulag after the hearing, as she has openly shown her distaste for the Army Captain and Bronze Star Iraq War Veteran. Garcia was awaiting trial from his home in Miami but according to a new government motion he violated his pre-trial conditions when he traveled to CPAC earlier this month to speak with his attorney and his Florida Congressional Representative Matt Gaetz.
See a page from the government’s complaint:

** Donate HERE to help Garcia out with his legal expenses. Garcia is asking for prayers and help.
The government complained that Garcia socialized with other January 6’ers and conservative politicians at the event. The government also claims that Garcia possibly traveled by private jet to DC- but not just any private jet! According to the geniuses in the DOJ it was allegedly on President’s Trump 747.
How did the government come to this conclusion? A local liberal paper from Garcia’s home city of Miami made this ridiculous fake news claim after Garcia posted a parody photo of Trump’s private jet on social media. The government actually cited “The Miami New Times” gossip newspaper as a reference in the actual court filled motion.
“It seems minions of the Biden Regime have reported to Obama Appointee Judge Amy Jackson that they read in gossip rags and fake liberal newspapers that Garcia was ‘brashly schmoozing with conservatives’ at CPAC,” said Tina Ryan of Citizens Against Political Persecution. “He was seen taking photos with Rep. Matt Gaetz and Donald Trump Junior. In the upside-down world we live in, that is considered a high crime that needs to be punished.”
Donate HERE to help Garcia out with his legal expenses. Garcia is asking for prayers and help.

Garcia told us he drove to CPAC in his RV from Florida and did not fly there in Trump’s private jet as alleged by the government. Garcia also informed us he is required to wear an ankle monitor to track his every move- so therefore the government already knows he drove and that their claim is ridiculous.
According to Garcia, the pre-trial agreement allows him to travel as long as he does not enter Washington D.C. All January 6th defendants are banned from entering D.C. without special permission. Garcia obtained approval to go Washington D.C. for this trip to meet with attorneys and observe a J6 trial, but he slept outside of D.C. in Alexandria, Virginia in his parked RV. This can be confirmed by his ankle monitor report. Garcia said he went to observe a couple days of a J6 trial to prepare for his own trial, but became sickened at what he saw.
“I got tired of looking at the false prosecution and looking at that Jury panel that all look like they belong on some MSNBC panel with their double masks made me sick so I decided to exit and leave the f-ing district for good,” said a disgusted Garcia. While Garcia’s words may seem harsh, this reporter can verify from first-hand observation that his accounting of a D.C. January 6th trial courtroom is accurate.
This is what Garcia posted on social media that ticked off the Government and appeared in their motion as one of their grievances to the judge:
When Garcia attended CPAC, the event took place at a location in Maryland- NOT in Washington D.C. (The conference was at the Gaylord National Convention Center located across the District of Columbia in National Harbor, Maryland.) According to Garcia, he went to CPAC to meet with his attorneys. Garcia also spoke with Congressman Matt Gaetz (his representative from the State of Florida) about how his legal team could request the J6 footage that Speaker Kevin McCarthy promised to make available to them.

According to a motion filed by Garcia’s attorney:
“That Mr. Garcia then went to CPAC in Maryland, should be treated no differently than if he went to a restaurant, church services, or a movie theater in Maryland and posted that on social media—he was not in D.C. While at CPAC, Mr. Garcia was working on his defense to these charges. Indeed, he asked Congressman M. Gaetz, who is from Mr. Garcia’s home state, how and when could his defense team access the 40,000 hours of unreleased video Capitol Police have. Also, he and his counsel met, and conferred extensively with, attorney Ivan Raiklin, whom they may retain for assistance and trial preparation. Mr. Raiklin had spoken to Mr. Garcia on March 2 at CPAC, and he told Mr. Garcia to return the next day with his counsel to discuss at length defense strategies, which they did. On March 2 and March 3, CPAC’s programs concluded at 5 PM each day; Mr. Garcia then went to and ate at a nearby restaurant on March 2, and he ate at a restaurant at the Gaylord Hotel, where CPAC was held, on March 3. In sum, there is not clear and convincing evidence, as required under § 3148, that Mr. Garcia violated any release conditions by going to CPAC.
Mr. Garcia did not violate any of his pretrial conditions. He did not violate his curfew; he provided a precise itinerary, according to the stand for itineraries previously provided to Pretrial Services, and he attended a substantial portion of the United States v. Gossjankowski trial on March 3, contrary to media reports that all he did was brashly schmooze with J6’ers at the “Conservative Action Coalition” Conference (“CPAC”) and misled a federal court.
The day before his trip Mr. Garcia posted on social media obvious photoshopped images of him on Donald Trump’s airplane, claiming he was traveling to D.C. on the plane. Incredibly, in her ongoing crusade to expose and humiliate Mr. Garcia, Miami New Times reporter Alex DeLuca naively ran with this story about traveling to CPAC on Trump’s plane as if it was true; the reporter even asked counsel to confirm if Mr. Garcia was traveling in Trump’s plane to D.C. To which, sensing another yellow-journalistic hit peace was forthcoming, counsel facetiously replied that he could not confirm because of “security measures.” Amazingly, DeLuca published counsel’s comment as if it was a serious reply. While the Government suspected his posts might be photoshopped, they claim Mr. Garcia was still being disingenuous (but as to whom it is unclear, the World Wide Web?) by claiming he was flying to CPAC. His social media postings were clear fakes; and although his social media posts, generally, may be crass, obnoxious, brazen, and bad form, Mr. Garcia still has his First Amendment rights to post on the internet. He was not under any gag order.”
According to Garcia, he did not have a ticket to attend the CPAC conference, so he met his attorney outside in the lobby for a few hours to go over strategies for his upcoming trial.
Donate HERE to help Garcia out with his legal expenses. Garcia is asking for prayers and help.
“Here is another example of a tyrannical government attempting to silence yet another J6’er,” said Ryan. “All because he went to CPAC! If he was attending a liberal conference, this would not be happening! This is political persecution and punishment for attending a conservative conference.”
She continued: “Garcia, like so many Americans, went to protest peacefully on January 6, 2021. He did not commit any violence. He did not break, steal or vandalize anything. He simply walked in through an open door and protest in favor of further investigations into the election.”
42 year-old Gabriel Garcia is a decorated U.S. Army retired Captain, Operation Iraqi Freedom combat veteran, Army Bronze Star recipient and father of three small children. Garcia was also a business owner and says he had to close the doors to his business to pay for his legal defense. Garcia said he has since spent all his time fighting his charges as well as helping other J6’ers.

“Garcia needs our help,” said Ryan. “He is trying to raise funds for his trip to Washington, DC to stand in federal court on Monday (tomorrow) where Judge Amy Berman Jackson can very possibly decide to throw Gabriel in the DC Gulag. He needs to pay lawyers to come and travel expenses. Please consider helping this Patriot out. He is a decorated combat veteran that fought for this country and now we must fight fro him.”
** Donate HERE to help Garcia out with his legal expenses. Garcia is asking for prayers and help. He is asking for support if you are in the D.C area on Monday.
“If you can attend my hearing in person at the DC District Court, please do so at 10 AM in courtroom 3,” said Garcia. “I will continue to fight for freedom of speech and until all J6’ers are back home with their families where they belong. God Bless and thank you all for your support during this uphill battle. Keep the faith and don’t worry- the truth shall set us free soon.”

Remember, in the end GOD WINS.
** End **