Original article.
By Jim Hoft
Published March 13, 2022 at 8:48 pm 132 Comments

True the Vote is currently working with Dinesh D’Souza on a bombshell movie that uses footage obtained of ballot traffickers at drop boxes in key states across America to steal the election in 2020.
100 Percent Fed Up reported — Using commercially available geo-tracking cell phone data, True the Vote was able to take footage from drop boxes across America in key states like Georgia and others to track over 2,000 ‘mules” wearing gloves and disguises to stuff ballot boxes.
Dinesh D’Souza recently released the trailer to his upcoming movie “2,000 Mules.”
But these tactics will not be acceptable in Florida. Governor Ron DeSantis is expected to make possession of more than two voter ballots a felony.
Newsweek reported:
Possessing more than two ballots in Florida will become a felony under a bill passed by state lawmakers Wednesday.
The offense was previously a misdemeanor in the state under a 2021 law. But the more serious classification in the new legislation will make it punishable with a fine of up to $50,000 and five years in prison, The Washington Post reported. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has indicated he will sign the bill into law.
The ballot felony is just one part of a bill that aims to reform certain elements of Florida elections. The legislation would also establish a first-of-its-kind elections police force for the U.S., which has raised concerns about its possible impact on voters, the Post reported.
In a November press release that announced his intention to propose the legislation, DeSantis said that the measures were aimed at bolstering “election integrity” in the state.
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