General Michael Flynn on America at The Tipping Point and How We Must Respond

Original video. The subject is the main story, but first here is a related interview. Michael Flynn “How close to the abyss we are!!” VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! (Just once, on election day, and take others with you.)

Trevor Loudon on the Life and Death of Mikhail Gorbachev And Why He Should Not be Praised as a Hero

Original video.

By Brannon Howse Live, 30 August, 2022

powered by Advanced iFrame. Get the Pro version on CodeCanyon.

By Brannon Howse Live, 30 August, 2022

powered by Advanced iFrame. Get the Pro version on CodeCanyon.

Executive Order 14067—Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets

Trump Says to Declare Him Election Winner or Redo the Vote; Untested Omicron Boosters Coming Soon

Also see, Lawsuits building again against the 2020 election: ANOTHER STATE! The America Project Helps Lawsuit against Michigan for 2020 Election. The validity of the 2020 election has fallen apart!!!

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