Original article. Of course they do. They think cheating is normal. That is why indictments of those committing Election Fraud is SO IMPORTANT.
By Joe Hoft
Published May 24, 2022 at 8:00 am 61 Comments

Former hedge fund CEO David McCormick is suing to demand election officials count undated ballots that came in after the Tuesday election. Hillary’s attorney Marc Elias is fighting to be able to do the same in the mid-terms.
We reported on Monday night that the hedge fund manager in PA who is trailing in the GOP mid-terms wants to be able to count undated ballots that came in after the election.
Hillary’s attorney who was involved in the Russia collusion sham and in implementing the 2020 Election dropboxes across states is also on to this argument from McCormick.
Elias tweeted on Monday after McCormick went to court to count the undated ballots:
Later on Monday Elias tweeted that he might join McCormick in the suit to count undated ballots.
If you are on the side of Marc Elias you are not on the side of free and fair elections.
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