Original article.
By Cara Castronuova
Published October 12, 2022 at 7:45 am 16 Comments
A decorated US Marine Veteran, 20 Year NYPD Police Officer, Husband and Father of 3 will turn himself in tomorrow to serve the longest sentence that a Judge has handed to a J6 Defendant to date – 10 Years!
Please see the never-before-seen and heartbreaking video below that proves Marine Thomas Webster’s innocence and exculpatory footage of a DC Metro Police Officer provoking him and punching him straight in the face before they wrestle to the ground.
The exculpatory video clips containing in the video above of the officer punching Webster was not handed over to Webster’s attorney until just one week before trial and has been withheld from the public entirely.
The video shows an indignant Webster walk up to the police line and verbally challenge the Metro DC Police after the crowd was attacked with smoke grenades, tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and people literally being thrown to the ground in the minutes before he reached the gate. An indignant Webster wanted answers, but instead got decked with a loaded left hook by DC Metro Police Officer Noah Rathbun, who had antagonized him with hand gestures seconds earlier and seemed to be challenging him to a fight.
A shocked Webster’s Marine Corps flag drops from his hands and the aggressive officer crossed over the gate to reengage with Webster, who waved him to stay away. The officer still comes forward and grabbed Webster’s flag pole. Webster sensed danger and says he reacted in self defense. The men wrestle to the ground. The office rammed the flag pole twice into the side of Webster’s mouth. Webster admits he grabbed at he officer’s gas mask, but did not strike him, although he could have if he wanted.

The biased jury still found this man guilty on all charges and he will now serve a decade in prison for this scuffle. It is noteworthy that the officer he “attacked” never reported the incident and said he didn’t remember it, until he was approached by the FBI to testify. Officer Rathbun’s body cam footage shows he initiated the fight and punched Webster, therefore it is likely he did not want to draw attention to himself. An incident report is required by DC Metro directives regarding use of force like striking. He said he went to the hospital on the night of January 6th for another injury to his hand, yet never reported an injury or the incident involving Webster. At Webster’s trial Rathbun said he was not hurt and would not issue a victim’s statement.
The biggest part of this story may be what many don’t know- which is that Officer Rathbun was under investigation for the lethal shooting of Vedo Hall on May 24th, 2021. Vedo happens to be black. This is notable as the story of a black man shot and killed by a white cop generally equates to tremendous Mainstream Media coverage, but this particular story is COMPLETELY BURIED and no one heard about this incident. An incident like this gets viral national attention and the attention of Black Lives Matter. YET THERE IS ONLY A MINUSCULE AMOUNT OF INFORMATION RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC. Even more suspicious- according to the brief report on NBC Washington, “for the first time since the District enacted a law requiring the release of body-worn camera footage any time a D.C. police officer uses lethal force, Mayor Muriel Bowser will not release video of the most recent police killing.“ Muriel Bowser is a big supporter of the Black Lives Matter Movement, so this makes little to no sense. Black Lives Matter would surely demand release of this body-cam footage if they caught wind of this story, yet it was BURIED.
Those close to the matter suspect that the story was covered up and the lid kept tight because Officer Rathbun’s credibility and reputation was needed to stay intact so he could testify as star victim witness against Webster. The case against Webster would go up in smoke if Rathbun was nationally exposed and demonized to the jury. With a possible use of force investigation that could result in national notoriety and jail time, the Government literally had Rathbun by the cajones, and the reluctant Rathbun had to testify to put Webster away. The morning of the first day of the trail the prosecution announced that the investigation into Rathbun’s shooting incident was over, and the jury could not be made aware of it, and the Officer could not be questioned about it in the trial.
*We at the Gateway Pundit will investigate this “coincidence” further.
Webster, a pawn in the Biden Regime’s agenda, is the unfortunate one that will pay with a decade of his life and leave his wife and teenage children behind.

“Under normal circumstances, a person’s long history of service would be considered in sentencing,” said Micki Witthoeft (Ashli Babbitt’s mother) of Citizen Against Political Persecution. “This is NOT a normal America that we are living in. It is extremely disturbing that the judge in this case DID NOT take into consideration Thomas Webster’s valiant service to this country.”
Even more egregious is the fact that the Dishonorable Judge Amit P. Mehta went so far as to essentially rule that Thomas Webster was a LIAR for claiming “Self-Defense” when Webster testified the officer he wrestled with punched him straight in the face and incited the fight. The video posted in this article shows that Webster was NOT lying- in fact the video shows multiple angles of DC Metro Police Officer Noah Rathburn deck Webster as he argued with him at a gate holding his Marine Corps flag.

The clear and blatant weaponization of the Law Enforcement and Judicial system at the highest levels in America is on full display in Thomas Webster’s case. Statistically, the FBI, DOJ, and even the Federal Judges are going extremely hard after anyone involved with January 6 who are decorated military veterans, former/active Law Enforcement, and Constitutionally-conservative in their political ideology.
“In the case of Thomas Webster, this is yet another blatant example of the US Federal Government taking the very things this nation has long valued and enshrined as the earmarks of a NATIONAL HERO, cast them aside, and destroyed their lives,” said Randy Ireland of Americans For Justice.
Thomas Webster served Honorably and with Distinction in the most decorated 1st Battalion of the United States Marine Corps, which included 3 oversees deployments. He received a slew of Medals, Ribbons, and Commendations for his 4 years of service. After serving in the Marines, Mr. Webster joined the NYPD in 1991 and served with an unblemished record for 21 years. This included training hundreds of NYPD Recruits, and serving in many prominent positions – to include serving on the Personal Protective Detail for NYC Mayor Bloomberg.

“How does a man so highly regarded as a pillar of his community, one who served this country with Valor and Distinction over an entire career, get reduced to a common criminal deserving of nearly a decade in FEDERAL PRISON?”, asked Witthoeft. “Heartbreakingly, it only takes a few moments on the West Terrace of the US Capitol on the afternoon of January 6th.”
*Thomas Webster does not have a GiveSendGo, so we encourage readers to post comments and prayers to this article so he can read them before he turns himself in tomorrow to spend the next decade in prison.
Here is the narration of the video above transcribed:
On January 6, 2021 Thomas Webster attended his very first political rally EVER! At 2pm he arrived at the capitol building and went to the West Terrace – along with thousands of others – after being told there would be a speech. As Tom walked closer to the gathering of protestors the reality of the situation began settling in. Tactics being used by the police were hurting and ultimately killing protestors – to include Benjamin Philips and Kevin Greeson. Tom witnessed elderly people covered in blood, terrified children, and people who had been severely injured from projectiles. Women being assaulted and beaten – even when their hands were in the air! Bodies were being carried off on makeshift stretchers! Tom say he also also witnessed people praying in groups, forming circles of support, and begging for God’s grace to survive this madness.
At 2:28pm Tom Webster walked up to a police line, in disbelief at how Americans were being treated by LAW ENFORCEMENT! He approached the barrier to express his 1st Amendment Right. Metropolitan PD police officer Noah Rathburn immediately reacted with very aggressive shoving, instead of de-escalation. At one point Rathburn looks up at Webster’s Marine Corps flag and initiates physical contact – over the barrier! The officer pushed Webster – the push can be seen from several angles when it happens.

Noah Rathburn gives no verbal warning! Instead he reaches over the police barricade, lunges, and pushes Webster multiple times. Frustrated by the Officer’s repeated escalation of physical contact, Webster pushes the bike gate. With a deliberate wind-up, officer Rathburn then punches Webster hard in the face with a GLOVED-HAND. Webster said the punch hit like a freight train, and he was left seeing stars. Noah testified that he attempted to push Webster’s shoulder and slipped, hitting his face. Webster reacts to the hit in self-defense, swinging his flag at the gate rail, never making contact with the officer.
The officer crosses over the gate rail to re-engage Webster. Webster had backed away from the police barrier and reacts to the officer coming towards him. Webster waves the officer to stay away, as at this point Webster believes the officer is after him. The officer crossed the gate rail and grabs the flagpole away from Webster. Webster feels the crowd move forward and feels pressure from a red-hatted man behind him. Tom felt the need to defend himself. The officer then rams the flagpole twice into the side of Webster’s face and mouth. Webster pushes up the officer’s gas mask but doesn’t strike back.
After clearly being assaulted – by a Law Enforcement Officer – Thomas Webster is now forced to turn himself in to serve a 10-Year Prison Sentence where, as a former Law Enforcement Officer himself, he will be surrounded by violent criminals with a target on his back!

Please see the longer version if the video above with commentary by the Gateway Pundit’s Cara Castronuova.
“This is not just one isolated story emanating from the events of January 6th at the US Capitol Building,” said Ireland. “The Biden Administration is zealously carrying on the very same culture and weaponization of the Law Enforcement and Judicial system that was put in place by the Obama administration- the culture of specifically targeting STRONG, PRINCIPLED, and CONSTITUTIONALLY CONSERVATIVE members of the Military Veteran, Christian, and Law Enforcement communities. Why? Because these are exactly the kind of GODLY, PATRIOTIC, and HEROIC men that most threatens the Socialist, Marxist, Communist, and Globalist ideals that our very own US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT have come to embrace!”
According to Americans For Justice, at least half of those indefinitely detained regarding January 6th have Military, Law Enforcement, or First Responder backgrounds – and many believe they have been singled out by our Federal Government as the ones deserving of the heaviest sentences.
*Thomas Webster does not have a GiveSendGo, so we encourage readers to post comments and prayer to this article so he can read them before he turns himself in tomorrow to spend the next decade in prison.
January 6th defendant Ronald McAbee was an active Deputy Sheriff, Bart Shively is a Marine Veteran undergoing chemotherapy for cancer he contracted from the drinking water while stationed at Camp Lejeune, Jessica Watkins a decorated Army Ranger, Jeremy Brown a decorated Green Beret, Joseph Biggs a Purple Heart recipient combat veteran, etc.
“This is direct assault and targeted persecution of all individuals that show themself to be a Christian, a Veteran, a Law Enforcement officer, a dedicated family person or a defender of the US Constitution,” said Witthoeft.

Retired 22-Year FBI Agent TM says, “I am a retired FBI Special Agent who worked for the FBI from 1998 to 2020. For the past 6 years, but especially over the past 2 years, I cannot believe what the agency I gave 22 years to has become. I am completely embarrassed at what the FBI and DOJ has become!”
“The decline of the FBI began with Mueller and continued under Comey and Wray,” TM added. To put things into perspective, “I was described as being ‘dumb’ for voting for Trump in 2016 by an AUSA and DOJ attorney,” says TM. He continues, “I have never met a moderate or conservative AUSA hired after 2010.”
“You have to look back to 2010,” said Ireland. “With the appointments of Brennan, Clapper, and Comey the US Government put into the highest positions within the intelligence community at least 2 admitted Communists! In December of 2003 James Comey said, “I voted for Reagan – I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now. I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically.” Then in September of 2016, former CIA Director John Brennan bragged about himself when he shared this about the polygraph test he took when he entered the CIA. “I froze,” Brennan said. “This was back in 1980, and I thought back to a previous election where I voted, and I voted for the Communist Party candidate.””
He continued:
“There can be no mistake, the Obama Administration ushered in an era of purges that occurred throughout all levels of Law Enforcement – not just at the federal level – to include the state and local levels. Michael Nichols, a US Marine Veteran and retired police officer from upstate New York, says “…much of what we see today happening throughout Law Enforcement across this great nation started in the US Prison system decades ago! It was all first tested on Prisoners, then crept its way into our schools, colleges, and ultimately our Federal Government.” “

“Thomas Webster’s case MUST be a wake up call to ALL AMERICANS across this great country,” said Ireland. “How can Military Veterans sit idly by while some of the most decorated Military Veterans languish behind bars indefinitely at the Washington DC Gulag? How can retired Law Enforcement officers do nothing when members of their own community face 10-Year federal prison sentences – only for exercising their Constitutionally-Protected right of Self-Defense? The United States Federal Government, through the actions of the FBI, DOJ, and the Federal Courts have officially declared war on the US Constitution, US Military Veterans, Christians and/or Christian organizations, and any Conservative-Leaning Law Enforcement member.”
He continued:
“If we do not immediately stand up and support Thomas Webster then you, I, or our nearest decorated National Hero just might be next!”

**Thomas Webster does not have a GiveSendGo, so we encourage readers to post comments and prayers below so he can read them before he turns himself in tomorrow to spend the next decade in prison.
Remember, in the end God wins.

Cara Castronuova is a co-Founder of C.A.P.P. (Citizens Against Political Persecution. SHE IS RUNNING FOR NEW YORK STATE ASSEMBLY & WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR HELP in “Knocking Out the Left!” Writing and deeply researching articles while running for office is incredibly hard- so help would be appreciated in getting her elected to fight the good fight! You can contribute to her campaign HERE. You can learn more about her campaign at www.Cara4Assembly.com.
Cara is an Activist, Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion, Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Television Personality. You can watch her on Newsmax at 10PM EST every Saturday night on “Wiseguys”. You can follow her on & Twitter or Instagram @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for defamation of character. You can contact her via the C.A.P.P. website at www.CitizensAPP.us or www.caracastronuova.com if you have any tips or would like to volunteer. She is also running for New York State Assembly (www.Cara4Assembly.com).
“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” Phil 4:13.
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