Joe Biden: “MAGA Proposals Are a Threat to the Very Soul of This Country”

Original article. Is this a hugh WOOPS from resident Biden? Too Late!!! See his tweet from which this title is derived. Also, see WH Senior Advisor double down on this position: “WATCH: White House Senior Adviser Says ‘Hate Filled MAGA Agenda’ Has ‘No Place in a Democracy’” (They still haven’t learned we have a Constitutional Republic… if we can keep it.) The truth is: MAGA Proposals will reverse the rapid destruction of our country (as the very acronym says: Make America Great Again)!! See: “Turning point of our country?” for more details. BTW, I only hear of Demos promoting and calling for violence (WAYNE ROOT: Biden Clearly Wants Civil War. Don’t Take the Bait). Where is their evidence of this claim?
By Cristina Laila
Published September 4, 2022 at 3:33 pm 964 Comments

Joe Biden on Sunday attacked Trump again in an effort to distract from his dumpster fire of a presidency.

Biden is currently on vacation at Camp David in western Maryland so his staffers are trying to do damage control after Biden’s Moloch speech.

Joe Biden threatened millions of Trump supporters last week during his Satan speech in Pennsylvania.

Biden tried to walk back his remarks on Friday after #PedoHitler trended on Twitter.

“I don’t consider any Trump supporter to be a threat,” Biden said to Peter Doocy.


Now Joe Biden is trying to rebrand his attacks on MAGA.

Biden (or his staffer) on Sunday said “MAGA proposals” are a threat to the country.

This is Biden’s way of attacking ‘ideas’ rather than millions of Trump supporters after he got major backlash following his Moloch speech.

Don’t let Biden get away with this. The genie is already out of the bottle. He already threatened millions of Trump supporters.

Joe Biden believes border security, pro-life policies, protecting children from harmful transgender brainwashing/puberty blockers, voter ID and putting America first is a threat to the US.

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