Original article.
By Jordan Conradson
Published January 13, 2023 at 8:40 pm 35 Comments

The Maricopa County Republican Statutory Convention will be held tomorrow morning at Dream City Church in Phoenix. Elected precinct committeemen will vote on proposed bylaws, resolutions, and new executive officers.
The Maricopa County GOP sent the following email to all Maricopa County precinct committeemen.
To All Elected Maricopa County Precinct Committeemen,
This is your Official Notice of the 2023 Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) Statutory Meeting.
The meeting will take place on Saturday, January 14, 2023 beginning at 10:00 AM at
Dream City Church
13613 N. Cave Creek Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85022.
This meeting is being called pursuant to MCRC Bylaws Article V Section 1 to elect five (5) MCRC Executive Officers.
- MCRC Chairman,
- 1st Vice-Chairman
- 2nd Vice-Chairman
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- And to consider proposed MCRC Bylaw Amendments and Resolutions.
Please note that the meeting will be CALLED TO ORDER at 10:00 AM sharp. We expect the meeting to be conducted from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.
Credentialing will begin at 9:00 AM and pauses at 10:00 AM for the Preliminary Credentials Report. You will be required to show a Photo ID when you sign in at your Legislative District (LD) Sign-In Table. We are expecting a large crowd, so please arrive on time. The doors to the Lobby will open at 9:00 AM. There will be no admittance before 9:00 AM.
Team Truth candidates for MCRC Chainman, Vice Chair, 2nd Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary are endorsed by Kari Lake, Mark Finchem, Mike Lindell, Corporation Commissioner Jim O’Connor, State Rep. Liz Harris, and more! Candidate bios from MCRC2023.com can be found below.
Kari Lake gave the following endorsement of this slate for the MCRC.
“Our elections in Maricopa County are a laughingstock. The people of Arizona have lost their faith in the people in charge. We need strong leaders at the grassroots level who will work to rebuild that trust. I am confident that #TeamTruth can help turn things around. On January 14th, Vote Lawrence Hudson for Treasurer, Shelby Busch for 1st Vice Chair, Craig Berland for Chair, Diana Jones for Secretary, and Jeff Greenspan for Second Vice Chair. It’s time to redefine election integrity and grassroots engagement in Maricopa County.”
“Team truth is committed to making MCRC relevant again, to fundraise the resources necessary, to combat the leftist media, and create a platform to give the PCs a voice. They’ve all been involved in the election integrity fight and will continue to fight at a county level for real election reform,” election integrity investigator and MCRC 1st Vice Chair candidate Shelby Busch.
Busch is an absolute warrior for the election integrity cause. Previously, Shelby Busch has given The Gateway Pundit damning audio tapes that led to the resignation of a Maricopa County official who said the 2020 election was stolen.
Busch also runs a watchdog group with her partner Steve Robinson called We The People AZ Alliance. investigated 2020 voter registration forms and compared them with signatures on over 100,000 ballot envelopes to identifiy a staggering 20% error rate in signature verification. The Gateway Pundit reported on a presentation by We The People AZ Alliance and State Legislators where they reviewed voter registration forms and compared them with signatures on over 100,000 ballot envelopes. They identified a staggering 20% error rate in signature verification. The organization’s patriotic work is even mentioned in Kari Lake’s historic election lawsuit.
Kari Lake also said, “I am proud to endorse the #TeamTruth slate to lead the Maricopa County GOP! Election Integrity is my top priority & these Patriots have been fighting this fight for years. They walk the walk. This is the team to support!”
As The Gateway Pundit reported, the Maricopa County 2022 Election was a disaster. In Maricopa County, over 50% of tabulators and printers failed the moment that polls opened, causing voters to be turned away from the polls and creating long wait times of four hours or more. According to cybersecurity expert Clay Parikh’s testimony, this was an intentional act aimed at disenfranchising Republican voters who turned out 3:1 for Trump-Endorsed candidates. This and other election catastrophes in Maricopa County possibly stole the election from Kari Lake, Abe Hamadeh, and other Republican candidates.
The new MCRC executive leadership slate is expected to make election integrity a top priority and push Arizona lawmakers to do whatever it takes to prevent election fraud. Watch the video below to see their election integrity qualifications.
Craig Berland – Chair
Election Integrity and Party unification from the State GOP to the precinct including our Elected Officials. I am Craig Berland and I seek your vote for Chair of the MCRC Board along with the #TeamTruth slate of candidates. I am a retired businessman with many years of success and experience in dealing with large companies like Boeing and Lockheed. I will bring my business discipline and organizational skills to the MCRC Executive Board.
The #TeamTruth slate is deeply involved with saving our Republic as well as with election integrity efforts.
Maricopa County is the second largest voting county in the United States. My business discipline and quest for measurable success through an encouraging management style will benefit the MCRC Executive Guidance Committee. I humbly ask for your support for the #TeamTruth slate of candidates. These are demanding times and decisive action is required to save our Republic.
God Bless America and God Bless Arizona!
Please do not hesitate to contact Craig any time at [email protected]
Shelby Busch 1st Vice-Chair
The primary mission of a PC is to get Republican candidates elected and this MUST start by working to fix our broken election system. We must empower our PCs and equip them with the tools they need to truly make a difference and help them become ambassadors for their communities. I plan to:
Work with Chairman to create an election integrity committee that will assist MCRC in developing and implementing our own voter database to maintain local ownership. This will bring flexibility to the LDs to download needed data for their LD, work on voter roll cleanup, and proactively work on PC recruitment and GOTV drives. This committee will also keep up to date on election related activities, communicate concerns to and from our county elections department, and work on election related legislation.Assist the Chairman in creating a legislative engagement committee composed of PCs from all LDs to actively communicate with our legislators our positions on proposed legislation and initiate and/or support good legislation. Help educate the PCs on how to be citizen lobbyists.
Advocate to create an advisory committee composed of grassroot org leaders that will help increase party reach, communications, and manpower. Create community between the grassroots activists and candidates and the MCRC.
Please do not hesitate to contact Shelby any time at [email protected]
Jeff Greenspan 2nd Vice-Chair
We must focus on self-governance and national self-reliance. Never give up. Never give in. Never compromise our Republican principles. Up through 2016, Maricopa County was a model to counties throughout the country for 30 years on how to conduct elections. We knew the results by the 10pm news every election for 30 years. Suddenly since Fontes, Richer, and Hobbs took over elections, Maricopa County elections have been a catastrophe, on par with Philadelphia elections. Let’s not pretend we don’t know how it’s done – at the precinct, volunteers from each party agree on precinct counts and results and call them in. One day voting at one’s own precinct, one ID, one person, one ballot. Stop the nonsense. Richer and Gates need to resign. The MCRC needs to be the voice of the PCs, not the other way around.
Please do not hesitate to contact Jeff any time at [email protected]
Lawrence Hudson Treasurer
In 2020 we learned that a strategy of winning votes loses to a strategy of collecting ballots. That should cause us to rethink our strategy, but that hasn’t happened yet. I have been a PC only since 2018. Since 2020, I have mostly worked with Liz Harris’ team of volunteers. My relative inexperience at party affairs is a good thing. The Republican party has mostly opposed our work in election integrity. They have denied us data that is ours by statute. They have tried to tell us voters don’t care about election integrity and that we will lose elections if we talk about it. They are now telling us that we lost the 2022 elections because we nominated candidates who fought for election integrity. Most of the PCs who have volunteered since 2020 just want to save their country. Being new permits us to see more clearly the dire state we are in.
I pledge to use my vote on the executive committee to put our party clearly on the side of election integrity. We must pressure our lawmakers. We must be able to clearly see their defects. Once we stand for principle and not for process, we should find it easier to raise money — so that we may be more independent of the national party –, and we should find it easier to recruit and retain PCs.
Please do not hesitate to contact Lawrence any time at [email protected]
Diana Jones Secretary
Honor, Duty, Country
Party unity and Election Reform.We need to work on election integrity and try to get a more accurate database for registered voters. Campaign sidekick and GOP Data are not being kept up to date. Some of their information is five years outdated. I want to be part of the team trying to solve problems instead of just being a do-nothing complainer.Please do not hesitate to contact Diana any time at [email protected]
Craig Berland, Shelby Busch, and Lawrence Hudson starred in the video below, demonstrating their leadership experience and their role in the fight to secure elections. All of these candidates donated large amounts of time and resources to investigate elections and played an active role in examining the 2020 and 2022 elections in Maricopa County.
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