More government interference with elections (multipart post)

Not only are they attacking President Trump with more hoaxes to interfere with elections, but they try to shut down free speech regarding elections. Rather than the Cyber Info-structure Security Agency (CISA) securing our out of control elections (ex: getting rid of voting machines), they are doing the opposite. We need Agenda47: Using Impoundment to Cut Waste, Stop Inflation, and Crush the Deep State

CISA Targeted Domestic Social Media Posts Regarding Election Fraud

Original video. This is prior to November 4, 2020. More weaponization of our federal government. Here is the full report. Follow Benjamin Weingarten on Twitter.

America First Legal’s Lawsuit Against DHS Exposes Biased Intelligence Products from the Office of Intelligence & Analysis Exaggerating the Threat of “Domestic Terror” How the Biden Administration justified its oppressive show of force after January 6th, 2021 against Conservatives, Christians and Republicans. No credible threats? No problem, MSM (Fake News) will create them. Question: How can we trust prolific liars to separate fact from fiction? DHS Needs a Unified Strategy to Counter Disinformation Campaigns.

Dr. Pierre Kory, The war on Ivermectin. Try Compounding Pharmacies.

By The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson, 27 June, 2023

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