Original article.
By Jordan Conradson
Published September 22, 2021 at 9:40 pm 335 Comments

Maricopa County Supervisor Clint Hickman was on The Mike Broomhead Show today to discuss the Gateway Pundit’s reports with leaked audio recordings of Steve Chucri.
Steve Chucri has since resigned but we are still releasing the audio.
Chucri was busted saying that Clint Hickman lied to stonewall an audit because he “just didn’t have the guts”.
Hickman then went on the air and said he forgives Chucri and denied everything, but Hickman hasn’t heard everything yet and someone is lying.
KTAR reported,
Chucri issued a statement Tuesday night saying he was stepping down from his District 2 seat on the board that governs Arizona’s largest county effective Nov. 5 after serving for nine years.
The announcement came after conservative website Gateway Pundit released secret recordings of Chucri from a March 22 meeting with leaders from a group called We the People AZ Alliance as well as a Jan. 22 phone call in which he discussed the then-proposed audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 election.
“We’re friends, we’re colleagues, and, you know, politics is rough and tumble, and I think we’re trying to process that a little bit.”
“I’ve never been afraid of an audit,” Hickman said. “We performed audits through the election and we performed two audits with independent certified technicians looking at the things I thought we were all looking at in March.”
“I know Steve. I know Steve’s integrity and character, and I would assume that he’s hurting right now,” Hickman said.
“And I will not be seeking out Steve because I know that he’s going to eventually seek me out and we can have a talk about it.”
Hickman agreed with Chucri’s resignation letter reference to a toxic political environment, but he said that didn’t apply to interactions among the supervisors.
“I have seen this, but that is not true when it comes to my colleagues on the board,” Hickman said. “We might not see things eye to eye, but this board is known for coming together and taking votes, and sometimes they align with each other and sometimes they don’t.
“But we truly have great respect, up and down the line, for both the people that are on the board that are elected, our other electeds, as well as all of our workers in elections and anything in public service for our constituents.”
Despite what Chucri said in the audio, he’s stood firm with the other four supervisors in opposing the Cyber Ninjas-led audit authorized by Arizona Senate Republicans. The review started in April, and the results are expected to be released on Friday.
“The picture some individuals are trying to paint about a cover-up, scam and other nonsense about my colleagues and myself is simply false,” he said in his resignation letter. “There was no cover-up, the election was not stolen. Biden won.”
He also apologized and said, “My colleagues have every right to be both angry and disappointed with me.”
“Steve is a great friend of mine,” Hickman said. “I am going to forgive him, and I am going to forget this and always roll towards our friendship.”
Here is some of what Chucri had to say about Hickman.
Clint Hickman had 2 auditors come out here and I don’t know if you guys heard this story, and I said “good let’s get them going” and our legal counsel said no, we still don’t think we should. and I said why in the hell did we spend money to get two auditors out here and then send them back? That was a stupid as* decision. Clint Hickman and I have not had a personal conversation since then.
Hickman, who I asked for two freaking months to bring it up for a vote, and now he’s doing this apology tour bullsh*t? That pisses me off. He had every chance to do it, every chance to do it. And then they got mad at me for voting against going against the legislature on these subpoenas and going to court? I just think that’s hypocrisy. It really ticks me off.
Hickman wanted, he wanted to have a conversation with an audit he just didn’t have the guts to do it at the end of last year, after I’d been asking for something.
Those guys want to suck up and kiss up for your vote. And my biggest mistake and I said this to Eric, was, I should have never believed what I was being told about, we couldn’t do more than 2% of an audit before we certified the election, my biggest mistake was listening to that. I should have listened to Andy Biggs, and I think even Brnovich said you could do 30%. Hickman screwed up there because I didn’t know about it until it was too late.
Bill Gates has the backbone of a plastic fork. Hickman wanted to be anything and anyone and Clint screwed up. He did. He plain and simple screwed up.
Busch: He lied.
Yes he did. He absolutely did.
Clint wants to be proven right as Chairman for the things he said and how he acted, which is stupid. He wants to make sure that he’s vindicated, which he made some mistakes. It’s gonna bite him in the ass
Clint was obstinant as I’ll get out.
Jack kinda goes along to get along too. He is a wet noodle and so conviction isn’t his strength but if i can get him the evidence and prove to him…
Jack barely got in only 200 votes he barely won.
Gates barely got in. Then Clint just thinks he’s more popular than he is and he’s just been acting like an asshole.
That one vote cost me the vice chairmanship, wrinkled everyone else’s feathers including the attorney, because I wanted to come off the lawsuit against the Senate.
They wouldnt let you?
No I would have to resign my office and I think thats bullsh*t
The problem with Clint is he’s leading with his chin and he still thinks he was 100% right because people came to his house, well listen, they came to all of our houses. Get over it. Don’t run for office again. So anyway I think he’s butthurt that he was right and everyone was wrong but the reality is, he wasn’t right.
Clint only sees what he wants to see and to stoop to that level and to not have the self discipline.
You mean clint crying? grow up dude. grow up.
Clint wears it as a badge of honor. For clint to wear it as a victim,
I wouldn’t endorse a single one of them and I might even endorse their opponent because of their lack of courage and then to stab me in the back as the longest serving member
This is just embarrassing.
The Gateway Pundit also reported that Chucri said he does not trust Dominion and County Recorder Stephen Richer agreed!
Why did they spend $2.8 million on brand new Dominion machines?
can you imagine who else he tells in private about what a terrible job Clint Hickman does?
Who knows if Hickman will forgive Chucri for this one?
Somebody is lying and whoever it is needs to come clean.
** End **