Original article. Where are the indictments on Election/Voter Fraud? Why aren’t we getting rid of defective voting machines? Where does he stand? It is way past time to put away the nunchucks and get out the handcuffs!!
By Assistant Editor
Published April 28, 2022 at 7:30 pm 285 Comments
Attorney General Mark Brnovich plays with nunchucks while election fraudsters roam free.
President Trump released another statement last Monday, rebuking Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich for his election integrity failures.
Trump also indicated that he would be endorsing a different U.S. Senate Candidate in Arizona soon.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported on the Maricopa County 2020 Election Interim Report by the Attorney General’s office, where Brnovich said prosecutions would be made, but we have still seen no prosecutions!
Brnovich was handed massive evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election, but he has done nothing about it. “He wants to be politically correct,” said President Trump.
– April 18, 2022 – Statement on Arizona U.S. Senate Race by President Donald J. Trump Attorney General Brnovich of Arizona was given massive information on the fraud and so-called “irregularities” that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election. Many people said that he would do nothing about it because that just seems to be the way he is. I felt differently because the numbers and sheer amount of crime committed is so compelling, irrefutable, and determinative—the election result would have been entirely different. Well, he did a report, and he recites some of the many horrible things that happened in that very dark period of American history but, rather than go after the people that committed these election crimes, it looks like he is just going to “kick the can down the road” and stay in that middle path of non-controversy. He wants to be politically correct. Because of the amount of time that it took him to do the report, which was endless, his poll numbers have been rapidly sinking. Now, people are upset with the fact that while he states the problem, he seems to be doing nothing about it—he doesn’t give the answers. What a shame for the Great State of Arizona, and for our Country itself! Because of this election, the USA is “going to hell” with Inflation, Russia attacking Ukraine, the loss of Energy Independence, 5-dollar gasoline, a wide-open Border and, of course, the incompetence with which our pull-out from Afghanistan was handled. With an honest election, none of these things would have been a problem, they were all self-inflicted wounds. The good news is Arizona has some very good people running for election to the U.S. Senate. I will be making an Endorsement in the not too distant future! |
Mark Brnovich could have stopped this in 2020, but he stalled, and our country truly is going to hell because of it.
The Gateway Pundit recently reported that evidence of ballot harvesting and ballot trafficking was delivered to Brnovich in August 2020, before the General Election. Brnovich did not prosecute anybody until after the election was stolen.
Mark Brnovich has failed Arizona.
Contact the Arizona Attorney General’s office to demand action.
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