Original article.
By Jim Hoft
Published March 28, 2022 at 2:00 pm 36 Comments
Throughout the world, individual liberties and freedom are being lost as authoritarianism rises. Learn what’s at stake and how to live in these unprecedented times.
On Tuesday, March 29, Hon. Michele Bachmann, Dean of the Robertson School of Government will host The Rise of Global Government conference from noon until 5:00 PM Eastern.
The entire event will air on the Globalism Rising webpage.
The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft and Joe Hoft will present a timeline on the rising authoritarianism over the past two years at the conference. You won’t want to miss this!
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Globalism Rising: Authoritarianism and the Demise of Civil Liberties
March 29, 2022 / Noon – 5:00 pm ET
Speakers and Schedule – As of March 10, 2022
12:00 – 1:00 pm – Jim and Joe Hoft (Live in Studio)
The Hoft brothers publish the top conservative website, The Gateway Pundit, publishing 30-40 articles daily.
Topic: Sharing from their archive of information, outline the Rise of Authoritarianism over the past 2 years.
1:00 – 2:15 pm – Leo Hohmann and Dr. Michael Rectenwald (Live in Studio)
Topic: Each will discuss the World Economic Forum (WEF) and then have a back-and-forth conversation about the WEF.
2:15 – 2:35 pm – Sen. Rand Paul (Live via Zoom)
Topic: From the Senator’s perspective, present the Rise of Global Authoritarianism in the United States.
2:35 – 2:55 pm – Leo Hohmann and Dr. Michael Rectenwald (Live in Studio)
Topic: Return for reactions and Q&A.
2:55 – 3:55 pm – Dr. Ed Hindson, Dean Emeritus, School of Divinity, Liberty University (Live via Zoom)
Topic: What does the Bible say about the Rise of Global Authoritarianism and governance, or does it speak to Global Authoritarianism? From a Biblical perspective and using Scriptural references, parallel Scripture to the events occurring in our world today.
3:55 – 5:00 pm – Bill Federer (Pre-recorded)
Topic: The rise and history of socialism, fascism, and communism. How Government Authoritarian removes the authority of individuals and gives it to a centralized government.
Mark your calendars! This will be an amazing event.
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