Original article. The MOST IMPORTANT thing that Republicans should focus on is the elimination of Election Crimes/Fraud. Our country will soon be destroyed if corrupt politicians are allowed to keep stealing our elections!!! Mike Lindell is the undisputed champion of this MOST IMPORTANT effort. There are actually Fact Deniers within the Republican Party that are completely oblivious to these Crimes/Fraud. If those people can not be educated, they MUST NOT be allowed to obstruct the party’s ability to solve this MOST IMPORTANT problem. The optimum solution would be if Mike Lindell and Harmeet K. Dhillon could somehow be a team to lead the Republican Party. The second best option would be for Mike Lindell to head the RNC. It has been two years since the massive steal of the 2020 election (which is currently, rapidly destroying our country) and 2022 was an even more blatant stealing of our elections. This CAN NOT be allowed to continue!!!
By Mike LaChance
Published January 11, 2023 at 5:34 am 54 Comments

Now that the battle for Speaker of the House is over, Republicans are moving on to the next battle.
Ronna McDaniel is the incumbent RNC chair and she wants another term.
However, a growing number of conservatives want to see a change in leadership.
Republicans in Alabama and Louisiana are the latest to join the fight.
NBC News reports:
Southern states rebel against RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel
A growing Sunbelt uprising among GOP activists at the state and local level has emerged as a threat — or at least a noisy nuisance — to Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel’s bid for another term.
From Arizona to Florida, state parties are passing or considering votes of no confidence in McDaniel, demanding new leadership after three disappointing elections.
The latest signs of rebellion are in the Deep South, in Alabama and Louisiana. State parties there rebuked McDaniel this week after rank-and-file Republicans made their displeasure known. Roger Villere Jr., an RNC member from Louisiana who supports McDaniel rival Harmeet Dhillon for chair, confirmed Tuesday that his state party approved an anti-McDaniel resolution at his urging on Saturday.
“The grassroots is firmly supporting a change,” Villere said. “Every vote, every call every day, I hear from people who want someone other than Ronna. … We’ve had three cycles where we’ve underachieved significantly, and it’s just time.”
On Monday, the Alabama GOP announced that its steering committee had lost confidence in McDaniel and was urging “RNC members across the country” to vote against her.
Republican lawyer Harmeet Dhillon is the strongest challenger.
Ronna McDaniel does not have strong support among Republican voters.
People want a change. The RNC should listen.
Cross posted from American Lookout.
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