Original article.
By The Lindell Report, 06 September, 2022

It is your right to know what your government is doing on your behalf. Freedom of Information laws help ensure government transparency. For more information on your State’s Freedom of Information Laws go to nfoic.org.
When you submit your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request please request the following:
1. I request all communications between the [state] Secretary of State’s Office and any person acting in the capacity of an election official, clerk, or County Commissioner in any county in the state between the dates of May 1, 2022 and the present that discuss the terms “Cast Vote Record”, “CVR”, or “Mike Lindell”
2. I request all communications between the [state] Elections Office and any person acting in the capacity of an election official, clerk, or County Commissioner in any county in the state between the dates of May 1, 2022 and the present that discuss the terms “Cast Vote Record”, “CVR”, or “Mike Lindell”
3. I request all communications between the [state] Secretary of State’s Office and any representative of the following companies: Dominion Voting Systems Corp, Election Systems & Software, Inc, Microvote General Group, Unisyn Voting Solutions, Smartmatic or Hart InterCivic, Inc. that discuss the terms “Cast Vote Record”, “CVR”, or “Mike Lindell”
4. Definition of “communications”: All letters, emails, texts, faxes, and voice call recordings between the parties specified in 1-3.
Once you have received a response to your FOIA request please email this information to foia@frankspeech.com
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