The release of Jovan Pulitzer’s Paper Analysis Results-More Than 2000 Mules

Original event.  The mountains of Election Fraud evidence continue to grow against the willfully ignorant.
Mon, June 27, 2022, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM MST


The official paper analysis results will be fully and publicly released with a panel consisting of candidates and elected officials

About this event

Panel will consist of Gubanatorial Candidate Kari Lake, SOS Candidate Mark Finchem, US Congressional AZ01 Candidate Josh Barnett, and AZ House Representative Leo Biasuicci. Open Q & A from the Public for Jovan Pulitzer after initial 45 min presentation.

Address for event will be emailed to all RSVP at 12 Noon on day of event

It’ll also be broadcast live on a variety of online platforms.

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