Original article. GA, will these felonies be repeated in 2022?
By Jim Hoft
Published April 14, 2022 at 2:00 pm 533 Comments

The new ad by Get Georgia Right PAC targeting RINO Governor Kemp is devastating.
As The Gateway Pundit’s Cassandra Fairbanks reported on Wednesday, President Donald Trump’s political action committee has sent $500,000 to a group working to defeat Georgia Governor Brian Kemp in the upcoming Republican primary.
Trump’s Save America PAC sent the massive contribution to the Get Georgia Right Super PAC at the end of March.
Get Georgia Right is a federal Super PAC organized to “make Georgia Red Again,” according to their website.
The Georgia gubernatorial primary takes place on May 24, and Trump has endorsed former Sen. David Perdue in his challenge against the incumbent.
On Thursday The Gateway Pundit spoke with Gregg Phillips who is the senior adviser with Get Georgia Right PAC.
Gregg Phillips has been in conservative politics for 40 years, working with committees, parties, campaigns and election intelligence operations. He has built political apps including GROUND, ARC and IV3. Gregg was also a founder and Managing Partner of the pro-Gingrich SuperPac, Winning Our Future, and election intelligence company, OPSEC Group. Gregg is currently working with Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote in their historic investigation of Democrat ballot trafficking in the 2020 election.
Phillips and Get Georgia Right recently released a devastating new ad that should knock Kemp from the race.
Politico described it this way:
Since receiving the donation from Save America PAC on March 25, the anti-Kemp Get Georgia Right super PAC began running a TV ad saying that Kemp “dismissed concerns about voter fraud in the 2020 election.” The ad argued that “if Kemp can’t beat voter fraud, he won’t beat [Democratic candidate] Stacey Abrams” in the November general election.
The commercial is running in the more conservative parts of the state, with an eye toward driving Trump supporters out to the polls for Perdue. The super PAC’s senior adviser is Gregg Phillips, a conservative activist whom Trump name-checked in a 2017 tweet, after Phillips made the unfounded claim that 3 million votes were cast fraudulently in the 2016 election.
“President Trump has demonstrated a strong interest in making sure the truth emerges about what happened in Georgia. He has also stated that the best way to solve this problem is electing people who acknowledge it and are committed to improving election integrity,” said Jessica Freese, a Get Georgia Right spokeswoman.
Obviously, Politico did not watch the Get Georgia Right ad and there is a reason that they did not link to the ad. IT’S DEVASTATING!
There is no fake news mainstream outlet in the country that can watch this video and similar videos and claim the election was not filled with fraud or stolen.
This ad is brutal.
Brian Kemp is in for a rough ride.
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