Original article. Good place to begin the 2023 investigations. Of course, this was widely known.
By ProTrumpNews Staff
Published January 3, 2023 at 8:30 pm 176 Comments

Why is the Biden Administration being so weak with China?
In a Truth Social post, Donald Trump said, “CHINA OWNS BIDEN, and now, the USA!”
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Trump: “Why Is The Biden Administration So SOFT On China?”
By ProTrumpNews Staff
Published January 3, 2023 at 8:30pm
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Why is the Biden Administration being so weak with China?
In a Truth Social post, Donald Trump said, “CHINA OWNS BIDEN, and now, the USA!”
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Truth Social:
Why is the Biden Administration so SOFT on China? “The problem the Democrats have with China is that they are soft on China from a domestic policy, jobs, economy, trade, point of view…something that President Trump really understood.” Batya Ungar-Sargon, Newsweek Deputy Opinion Editor, on Maria B (Hey, what’s up with Newsweek? They are getting MUCH better. I guess they found out, like all of the others, that Fake News isn’t working – they’re all going “BUST”). CHINA OWNS BIDEN, and now, the USA!
He also said under his administration the United States was taking in billions from China which the US is now giving back. He added that he knows why.
Truth Social:
I took in hundreds of billions of Dollars from China. Now we are giving it all back! Why? I know!!!
A Colorado lawyer said that the DOJ is trying to hide documents about gifts received by Hunter and James Biden.
A Colorado lawyer says the Justice Department is trying to conceal hundreds of “potentially responsive” documents about gifts received by first son Hunter Biden and his uncle James Biden from contacts in China, Russia and Ukraine, according to a new report Monday.
Kevin Evans sued the Justice Department in March after he said the agency failed to comply with his Freedom of Information Act request for records about the overseas business relationships of Joe Biden’s son and brother, the Daily Mail reported.
Evans said he sought documents “pertaining to any relationship, communication, gift(s), and/or remuneration in any form” from China, Russia or Ukraine.
He said lawyers for the federal government admitted in court to having at least 400 pages of “potentially responsive” documents but are now saying they can “neither confirm nor deny” whether the records exist.
The GOP must investigate!
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