Original article. The “Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Association” (CSPOA.org) will be hosting this conference Tue July 12th @ 10 am in Las Vegas at the Ahern Hotel. FrankSpeech.com will be carrying the event and Mike Lindell will be speaking there. Remember that TrueTheVote.com worked through the local Sheriff to get the perpetrators arrested (EPOCH TIMES REPORTS: FORMER MAYOR PLEADS GUILTY TO VOTER FRAUD, Yuma County Ballot Harvesting Case). 2000 MULES TEAM LAUNCHES NEW ‘SHERIFFS INITIATIVE’ | FACTS MATTER (Please watch that key video. Here is “Facts Matter” on YT). Also see Sheriff Mark Lamb of Protect America Now.
By stephanie,
Due to the urgent nature of the election fraud across America and our nationwide call for election fraud investigations by sheriffs and law enforcement, we have moved our September conference up to July. CSPOA will hold a national press conference July 12th at 10 am in Las Vegas at the Ahern Hotel. Join us at the Ahern hotel for a ‘Call to Action’.
This coincides with the annual Freedom Fest event also in Las Vegas July 13-16th where Sheriff Mack speaks on the Main Stage. A panel discussion led by sheriffs and other knowledgeable election fraud experts and investigators is scheduled for July 14th.
Please read more about the Press Conference below. Please share on your social media sites, emails, and get the word out! Please donate if you can!
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