Voting Rights, or Voting Wrongs?

Original video.  It is CRUCIAL that every citizen watch this entire video and realize what Demos are up to. They are threatening to “blow up the Senate” in order to get their “Voting Rights” Bill passed. After a year of the most rapid destruction of our country in history, they want to make permanent the Voting Wrongs that enabled stealing the 2020 election. And, the Bill adds more Voting Wrongs to make sure the Demos will be able to continue the destruction of our country many years into the future. In order to get this power for which they lust, they are perfectly willing to compromise their previously stated principals about the filibuster rules. “On the Senate floor, Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) points to a letter from 2017 signed by many Democratic Senators and former Senators decrying any changes to filibuster rules.” If you want the free country we have enjoyed over the centuries; you MUST demand that both of these items are defeated.
2,358,915 views, Jan 11, 2022


On the Senate floor, Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) points to a letter from 2017 signed by many Democratic Senators and former Senators

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