Original article.
By Jordan Conradson
Published June 25, 2022 at 7:49 pm 194 Comments

US Senate candidate retired Airforce General Mick Magure tore Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich to shreds on Thursday night while participating in a US Senate candidate forum hosted by Freedom Works in Phoenix, Arizona
Republican Senate Primary candidates took questions about their agendas if elected from Arizona Senate Communications Director, Kim Quintero
FreedomWorks was excited to host a US Senate candidate forum on June 23rd in Phoenix, AZ. Doors opened at 6 PM and the forum kicked-off at 7 o’clock. With control of the U.S. Senate split 50-50, every seat is needed if Republicans are going to win back their majority. This means that freedom-loving voters have a chance to make history in the Grand Canyon State this year. Will they send a principled Republican to the nation’s capital? Who will stick up for Arizona and put America first? FreedomWorks is proud to host its U.S. Senate Candidate Forum in Phoenix, AZ. Moderated by renowned former Arizona news anchor and currently the Arizona Senate Communications Director, Kim Quintero, the forum will give voters a chance to hear from the candidates themselves about their visions for Arizona. Control of the direction America is headed hangs in the balance.
Master of Ceremonies: Reverend C.L. Bryant
Moderator: Kim Quintero Confirmed
Candidates: Mark Brnovich Jim Lamon Blake Masters Gen. Mick McGuire Justin Olson.
Even RINO Mark Brnovich showed up despite his horrible record on election integrity. The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on the findings of 2020 election investigations across the State of Arizona, and Brnovich’s ineptitude as Attorney General.
Many months after the full forensic election audit, Mark Brnovich finally released a long-awaited “interim report” on the Maricopa County election audit, where he described Maricopa County’s ongoing failures to comply with his investigation. Brnovich revealed that “between 100,000 and 200,000 ballots were transported without a proper chain of custody.” The actual number of ballots lacking chain of custody documentation is believed to be much higher, and Brnovich failed to mention the 200,000 ballot signature issues identified by Dr. Shiva.
“The EIU’s review has uncovered instances of election fraud by individuals who have been or will be prosecuted for various elections crimes,” stated his report.
Despite these horrible crimes and the massive evidence that has been presented, said prosecutions have not been made. Instead, “he wants to be politically correct,” said President Trump.
When asked about election integrity and the federalization of elections, Mick Maguire noted one of the biggest issues for election integrity, Mark Brnovich’s failure to prosecute 2020 election fraud.
Maguire noted that in Maricopa County, there was a 68% increase in the number of military absentee ballots between 2016 and 2020, while there was an 11% decrease in the number of overseas military deployments.
This is clear fraud and what did Mark Brnovich do about it? Nothing!
The crowd booed Mark Brnovich as Maguire called out his failures.
Maguire: HR1, Senate Bill 1 and HR4 have got to be stopped. Again, the federal government cannot take control of our elections. That said, there are some provisions in federal law about voting. One of them that I believe pertains to the last question this last election. I voted absentee military overseas in November of 1990 before the Gulf War living in a tent. I filled out my ballot and signed the back. Arizona is one of three states that allows military members to vote by digits on email through an IP address. In 2016, there were just over 6000 military absentee ballots that came into Maricopa County. In 2020, there were 10,457. In that same period of performance, I was the commanding general of the Guard. That’s a 68% increase in digital ballots that were submitted, and an 11% Decrease in overseas deployments. I believe that the chief law enforcement officer in the state has reasonable suspicion to open a criminal investigation into that.
People complain about different things, but you have lawyers for a reason. And people ask me, What can I do about it? I said, I’m an unemployed general, running for the United States Senate. But there is somebody on this stage that can act on that. And the truth of the matter is, you can’t play this game where you say you’re serious about this, and you’re not going to comment on criminal investigations, then publish an interim report about a criminal investigation and expect us to take you seriously in that capacity. That is the most important thing.
MAAP Real Talk Show’s George Nemeh covered this event and shared footage from the entire forum on his Rumble page.
The 2020 Presidential Election was stolen in Arizona because Mark Brnovich failed to act.
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