Original article. More cleanup needed on isle GA (The Fighting Coward). They picked the wrong side!
July 3, 2022, By L Todd Wood

The Court of Appeals Court Georgia yesterday threw out the challenge by VoterGA to reverse the dismissal by Judge Amero in Henry County earlier in the year, which initially looked to allow discovery and ballot inspection of the Fulton County 2020 election, which was marred by obvious fraud. It is estimate that 40,000 ballots were counterfeit and are supposed to be under seal in storage. The ‘ballot images’ received showed alterations prior to certification – obvious election fraud. Raffensperger certified the election anyway.
Judge Amero initially found there was sufficient evidence of fraud to warrant the inspection. He then strangely dismissed the case.
Someone got to him.
The dismissal by the Appeals Court was especially galling, as the decision was released on a Saturday before July 4th.
Why can’t these judges look the public in the eye for their corrupt decision, and failure to follow rules of discovery and the rule of law? Because they are cowards, and they are corrupt.
These people are not patriots.
It’s time to call them out – so let’s find out who they are shall we?
Christopher McFadden is an elected judge and was the presiding judge during this case. He is up for election again in November, although he ran unopposed in the primary in a non-partisan race. He practiced appellate law as a sole practitioner before being elected to the Court of Appeals in 2011. As an ‘elected judge’, he should face electoral consequences to pay for his betrayal of the citizens of Georgia.
Judge Elizabeth Gobeil is married to Bart Gobeil, who worked his recent adult life in the Georgia government. He was appointed to the board of the Georgia Port Authority in 2011. In 2019, he earned $442,000 as the Director of Statewide Economic Development and Governmental Affairs for the Georgia Port Authority. He was recently selected to run the Georgia Conservatory.
In July of 2016, Governor Nathan Deal appointed Bart Gobeil, Director of Statewide Economic Development and Governmental Affairs for the Georgia Ports Authority, to the Board of Directors of the Georgia Lottery Corp, wrote the Savannah Business Journal.
Do you think Judge Gobeil should have recused herself from this case since her husband was earning a half million dollars a year from the Kemp government? Especially since the Fulton County ballot inspection case most likely would have finally proved massive fraud in the 2020 general election, presided over by Governor Kemp himself?
Enquiring minds want to know.
Things that make you want to go hmmmm….
Last but not least, Judge Andrew A. Pinson was appointed to the Court of Appeals by Governor Brian Kemp and was sworn in on August 30, 2021. Pinson served as law clerk at the U.S. Supreme Court for Justice Clarence Thomas, according to the GA Court of Appeals website.
Do you think Justice Clarence Thomas would be proud of Pinson’ ruling today? Do you think Justice Thomas believes in discovery?
Again, enquiring minds want to know.
“Because the petitioners’ claims of vote dilution did not allege particularized injuries, the trial court correctly dismissed their claims against the five board members due to lack of standing. And an additional argument regarding standing to bring the Open Records Act claims against Fulton County presents nothing for review since the trial court did not dismiss Fulton County from the case based on the petitioners’ lack of standing. So we affirm the order of the trial court in both appeals,” reads the opinion.
Do these cowardly judges really believe Georgia voters have ‘no standing’ in their own elections?
We think not.
We think these good ole boys and girls just want to keep the gravy train going and were instructed in no uncertain terms, somehow, to just go along to get along.
No courage shown here.
Judge McFadden needs to be defeated in his next election.
Judge Gobeils needs to be impeached for conflict of interest.
Judge Pinson needs to live up to the reputation of the man he used to clerk for, instead of looking forward to a career of grift off the citizens of Georgia. Oh yea, he should be impeached too.
Its time Georgia judges face accountability at the ballot box for their behavior.
** End **