Original video. The 2020 Maricorruption County Election only accomplished two things 1) We learned that the voting machines can not be trusted. 2) We learned (again) that Maricorruption County can not be trusted to run elections. Remember Arizona’s 2022 election was 2020 all over again plus disenfranchising tactics. The entire video is worth watching, but here are two key points. Other countries and bad reporting are addressed.
- 20:00 TwoRedPills.org MUST WATCH! Many details with evidence about how elections are stolen. Example from Maricorruption County: Katie Hobbs spent $4.5 Million to coverup the truth of the 2020 election. Our government participated in stealing the 2020 election from Donald Trump. And, their playbook is intended to steal EVERY election. CISA.gov is to support political campaigns. Twitter/Facebook on the same team with government agencies to steal elections. They are also “protecting the census” from Trump. Note Stephen Richer involvement @ 33:06 (3/29). His definition of Malinformation (Malicious Information): “Abuse of Public Information Requests” (citizens getting the truth). He asks for CISA’s expertise to identify and articulate how a more sophisticated “Deep Fake” (Creating a false video that appears real) can happen. And, more…
- 54:40 Jeff O’Donnell Evidence of 2022 election fraud. Walker was ahead when the election was called for Warnock.
By The Lindell Report, 08 December, 2022
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