Ask yourself; Why is NOTHING being done about this destruction of our country? I think it is because We The People have not informed ourselves and flooded Congress with DEMANDS that this syndicate of treason/crimes be STOPPED!!!
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Mary & Tara – Confirmed, Child Trafficking At The Border Is Bigger Than You Can Imagine
Original video (X22 Report). This is the most evil element of the Crisis/Disaster. How can human beings use children for profit to be consumed like a commodity and then thrown away? Try to imagine how evil these souls have to be. Instead of STOPPING the treason/crimes, We The People are funding this evil!!! Find much more information on:
Call to Action: HHS is trying to codify into permanent law all the rules that have facilitated this syndicate operation. These laws would expand the operation into CPS and Foster Care as well. They have opened up a comment period on the Federal Register for these laws. We all need to make our voices heard during this comment period (by 11:59 p.m. ET on December 4, 2023). See details in this article: America’s Future Issues Call To Action: Oppose HHS’s Proposed Rule. The link is also under the original video (see above).
Where Did The Children Go – America’s Future Releases Exposé Special Featuring Four Whistleblowers Revealing “Horror After Horror” in the HHS Unaccompanied Children Program at the Southern Border
X22 Report, 713K followers, Streamed on: Nov 18, 10:30 am EST
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