The Context of the Coup d’etats (multipart post)

*** WARNING *** It is very important that you watch these first two videos, but you probably don’t want to have children around when watching the first one. You may be asking yourselves, how did our government become soooo corrupt in less than four years. The answer is: It didn’t!!! The source goes back further than you are probably aware. Yesterday (Sat 4/13/24), Steve Bannon covered three events in his “Episode 3535: A WarRoom Special The Coup d’etat.” The coverage of the last of these three will actually begin tomorrow (Mon 4/15/24). Perhaps the origin is even further back, but this is far enough for now. So, this post will begin with that episode. I will come back and add to this introduction later. The solution to this problem is found in our history.

Episode 3535: A WarRoom Special The Coup d’etat

Original video.

Bannons War Room, 990K followers, Posted 4/13/24

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Mike Davis: “No Question” Democrats Are Attempting A Coup D’etat Against President Trump

Original video.

Bannons War Room, 990K followers, Posted 4/13/24

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Episode 3537: Trump Appears In Court As Political Witch Hunt Continues

Original video. Steve Bannon has been beginning his programs with a taste of the Professional Liars of Fake News so you can see how boundless their evil deception is against our country. If they were just that ignorant, it would be different. However, it is very obvious that this is very intentional. As you will see, the so-called “Justice System” should be on trial here and hopefully will be eventually.

Bannons War Room, 990K followers, Aired On: 4/15/2024.

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