Original article. Apparently, not a reliable NEWS source.
By Jordan Conradson
Published October 8, 2022 at 9:45 pm 104 Comments

Republic Monetary Exchange CEO Jim Clark, a private citizen and frequent ad-buyer on Arizona’s KTAR radio station, was recently declined a space for his advertisements exposing Katie Hobbs as a racist white liberal.
Jim Clark has been triggering the Arizona establishment for over a decade!
The Gateway Pundit reported in 2010 that Clark was removed from a Phoenix Suns NBA game for refusing to bow down to the Marxists and remove his “Viva Los 1070” t-shirt in support of an Arizona bill restricting illegal immigration.
Now, leftist KTAR is trying to censor him.
Jim Clark told The Gateway Pundit that he has spent millions of dollars with KTAR buying ads for his company over the years.
KTAR doesn’t want to air his new advertisements because they ask the simple question, “is Katie Hobbs a racist?”
The Gateway Pundit reported on Katie Hobbs’ record of discrimination against a former black staffer in the Arizona Senate. Two separate juries ruled unanimously that Katie Hobbs racially and sexually discriminated against the woman.
The victim, Talonya Adams, later called on Katie Hobbs to resign from office and drop out of the race for Governor, saying, “she has no place in government.”
We have also reported on this hilarious audio of Katie Hobbs struggling to say one good thing about Hispanic voters in the state. So, is Katie Hobbs a racist? Probably.
However, KTAR refuses to air his ad because it uses the word “racist,” said Jim.
But it does not even call Katie Hobbs a racist. It simply poses a question: “is Katie Hobbs a racist?”
Jim sent an email to the KTAR sales rep on Wednesday night saying, “Thank you for your earlier call. I have no intention of changing my ad even one iota. Please provide, in writing (email), your reason for declining my ad provided to you today.”
Jim spent a total of $45,446.10 to run this single ad until the General Election. He even agreed to pay nearly double his usual rate for this commercial.
Jim stated,
If I change the heading, they’ll air it. I told them NO! It runs as recorded.
They cited company policy and legal exposure from Hobbs, etc. I reminded them they are charging campaign rates ($350 each) vs. RME rates ($180 each). They responded with some Mumbo-jumbo.
They tried to get me to cancel next week. I said, HELL NO! Run the spot as recorded. I reminded them, my weekly message was a continuous thread and to interrupt that would defeat the purpose. I insisted they follow up with an email to memorialize this conversation and further explain their position.
I also said, they are denying me my first amendment rights… also saying this is not Facebook, Twitter, or some other platform that boots people off for violating community standards.
It isn’t defamation if it’s true. This is a bs excuse.
Three honest stations — KFYI, KEZ, and KKNT — have agreed to run Jim’s commercial.
Jim received the following email from KTAR on Friday, telling him that they are removing the commercial from their schedule.

Other radio hosts like Larry Gados and Chad Benson have attacked and smeared Lake, calling her ideas “stupid” and calling her a “Qanon” or a “cheap rip off” of President Trump in a 2021 episode falsely titled “Kari Lake has a meltdown on KTAR.”
They supported Kari Lake’s RINO primary opponents, and now they are running cover for Katie Hobbs!
Jim Clark told The Gateway Pundit, “I don’t think there is any doubt that Kari will win unless they cheat so overwhelmingly, like in 2020.”
Below is Clark’s epic ad, which highlights “the millions of dollars in jury awards against Secretary of State Katie Hobbs for discriminatory actions” and Hobbs’ unwillingness “to explain herself in open debate with Kari Lake.”
Clark: Is Katie Hobbs a racist? I think so. Hi, Jim Clark, Republic Monetary Exchange. I can’t tell what is in Katie Hobbs’ heart. But I can count the millions of dollars in jury awards against Secretary of State Katie Hobbs for discriminatory actions.
Further, Hobbs isn’t willing to explain herself in open debate with Kari Lake. Kari Lake isn’t another political hack. She doesn’t owe favors to political insiders and lobbyists. So join me in supporting Kari Lake for governor.
That’s why this ad is paid for by me, Jim Clark, a private citizen, not affiliated with any campaign or political action committee.
** End **