Original article. As Kelly Ward says at the end, “Show Up or Shut Up.” Hopefully, those who could not be bothered to show will now SHUT UP. You can still hear Kari Lake respond to important questions.
By Jordan Conradson
Published June 15, 2022 at 7:48 pm 499 Comments

How embarrassing! Trump-Endorsed Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is the only AZGOP primary candidate with the spine to defend her positions on the AZGOP debate stage.
Lake showed up to the canceled debate anyway to speak to the voters.
AZGOP Executive Director Pam Kirby told The Gateway Pundit that Matt Salmon declined his invitation to the debate, and Karrin Taylor Robson did not even respond.
Kari recently revealed Robson’s voting record while on the Arizona Board of Regents, the governing board for the state’s public universities, crowning her “Arizona’s Most Liberal ‘Republican’” on Truth Social.

Lake has over 112,000 followers on President Trump’s Truth Social app, and Robson has a lousy 215 followers, two hundred and fifteen. On Twitter, Robson has only about 3,300 followers (rounding up) compared to Lake’s following of 239,400+.
Matt Salmon, another low-polling candidate, previously backed the Confucius Institute — later designated a “foreign propaganda mission” by the U.S. State Department — while working for far-left Arizona State University. “Salmon was later quoted by Chinese media outlets after his defense of the Confucius Institute,” The National File reported.
Matt Salmon has not shown that he is against Big Tech censorship by joining Truth Social. Lake still dwarfs China Matt’s roughly 4,450 Twitter followers. The people love Kari Lake.
The other candidates know that Lake, the only political outsider in this race, will destroy them on their liberal records and their refusal to talk about the rigged 2020 Presidential Election. Lake is the only candidate who has prioritized election integrity and upholding law and order.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported, that after the deadline to RSVP to the debate had passed with no response from her RINO opponents, Kari released a statement telling them, “If you will agree to debate me and share your vision with Arizona Republicans, I will agree to allow you to have all of the questions in advance and take notes up on stage with you.”
The AZGOP held its official Arizona Corporation Commission Primary Debate on Monday night in place of the canceled Gubernatorial debate. Kari followed these candidates to present her platform live on stage.
This is the first-ever AZGOP Primary Debate Series, moderated by AZGOP Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward and sponsored by Turning Point Action. The Gateway Pundit reported that Trump-Endorsed Mark Finchem debated Shawnna Bolick for Arizona Secretary of State last week. Finchem vowed to immediately pull Arizona out of the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) system, a massive fraudulent “voter roll cleanup” system used by Democrats to steal elections nationwide.
Tickets to the next Arizona Attorney General Primary Debate are available here.
The Gateway Pundit recently reported that Kari Lake and Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem filed a motion in federal court to ban the use of “black box electronic voting machines” in all future elections. The other politically correct RINO candidates for Governor don’t want to offend the Democrats and won’t talk about the stolen election in Arizona.
The August 2nd Primary is quickly approaching, and Arizona voters will not have another chance to hear from the Gubernatorial Primary candidates on the official debate stage.
Kari Lake is a former 27-year career news anchor who voted for President Trump, then walked away from the propaganda pushing local news media with an America First agenda. She left her role in the media soon after the stolen 2020 Presidential election because she couldn’t lie to Arizona about the fraud. Like President Trump, Kelli Ward, Ronald Regan, and many more great Patriots, she also walked away from the dishonorable Democratic Party. And she voted for President Trump in both elections. Lake declares herself a lifelong Republican with a short stint against the failed RINO Mitt Romney and the McCain Machine.
The Gateway Pundit reported that she knocked Mike Pence on Tuesday after he said states should not be involved in the wide-open southern border crisis that the Biden Regime’s federal government has caused. Kari Lake’s phenomenal plan to secure the border will use state law enforcement and national guard troops provided by Arizona and other states to protect our homeland. All criminal illegal aliens will be deported, and Lake will take immediate action against the Cartels. Kari will also finish President Trump’s wall in Arizona, and only legal travelers will be granted entry.
On Monday, Lake said, “We cannot absorb the World’s problems. We have enough of our own.”
Lake slammed the “cowards” who were too afraid to debate her and illustrated her plan to put Arizona and America First when elected Governor. Watch her full debate appearance below.
Lake: There is absolutely nothing conservative and Republican about the people who didn’t show up today, and it’s really sad that they didn’t have the courage to face the people of Arizona and talk amongst other Republicans about which ideas are best for this state. It speaks volumes for who they are. And they think that they can just put ads out there and let those ads tell the story. The ads are false, and they’re afraid to stand up in front of the people of Arizona and debate. And I think that says a lot about what kind of leaders they would be. They would be cowards.
After Lake finished speaking, Kelli Ward also called out the other candidates saying, “This is the Republican Party debate right here, and so show up or shut up.
** End **