Original article.
By Jordan Conradson
Published January 14, 2022 at 5:53 pm 140 Comments
Conservative entrepreneur Clay Clark’s Reawaken America Tour stopped in Phoenix for a two-day convention that started today.
Today’s event is set to feature speeches on election integrity by Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers, State Representative Mark Finchem, and Arizona GOP Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward.
Arizona led the nation in election integrity with a full forensic audit of the 2020 election by the Arizona State Senate.
The audit found evidence that hundreds of thousands of potentially fraudulent ballots were counted in Maricopa County alone.
Additional investigations across Arizona have discovered tens of thousands of more alleged fictitious votes and potentially fraudulent votes.
The Arizona Attorney General received all evidence from Maricopa County almost four months ago and he has opened a criminal investigation into the fraud. Arizona is tired of waiting.
Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers has stated that she will be pushing for decertification of the fraudulent 2020 Presidential Election “as soon as possible,” now that the legislature is back in session.
Other amazing speakers will take the stage tonight, include U.S. Senate Candidate Jackson Lahmeyer, Eric Trump, General Michael Flynn, U.S TPUSA Founder Charlie Kirk.
The speaker setlist is below. All times are MST.
4:00 PM – 4:10 PM – Jackson Lahmeyer How to Get the COVID-19 Vaccine
Religious ExemptionsBiography – Jesus-loving, election fraud exposing, pro-Trump US Senate Candidate
(OK), husband, father, pastor and small business owner4:10 PM – 4:20 PM – Representative – Mark Finchem – Election Integrity and God’s
Command to Choose WiselyBiography – Mark Finchem is a fearless conservative who is running for Secretary of
State in Arizona.4:20 PM – 4:30 PM – Kelli Ward | Why We Need Election Integrity and High Integrity
People to Save This NationBiography – Chairwoman of the Arizona GOP, mom, wife, family physician, bestselling
author, & former AZ State Senator.4:30 PM – 4:40 PM – Pastor Greg Locke | It’s Time for the Gospel and the Poewr of
the Holy Spirit to Be Unleashed Across This Nation
Pastor Greg Locke is an outspoken and unashamed pastor and teacher of the Gospel
of Jesus. He refuses to bow to the politically correct idols of our culture.4:40 PM – 5:00 PM – Eric Trump | Why the Trump Family Has Committed Their
Time, Treasure and Talents to Save This Great American RepublicBiography – Executive Vice President of The Trump Organization, proud husband to
Lara Trump, advocate of St. Jude Children’s Hospital…And the son of America’s real
President, President Donald J. Trump.5:00 PM – 5:15 PM – Charlie Kirk – Why America Needs YOU In the Fight to Protect
ItCharlie Kirk is the Founder and President of Turning Point USA, a national student
movement dedicated to identifying, organizing, and empowering young people to
promote the principles of free markets and limited government. Despite not yet being 30
years old, most Americans know his name for boldly speaking the truth and fighting to
protect our God-given American rights.5:15 PM – 5:30 PM – Bruce Goodmansen – 100% Success without College
Biography: Bruce Goodmansen created and served as president of Thanks American
Press, which served to generate training programs for corporations. He then created
Fire Up the Soul, LLC, a company that produces motivation products, such as the “God
is My Guide Compass”. His first book: The Official Snipe Hunting Field Guide, was a
best seller. He then authored For Parents Who Give a Damn. His new book is entitled:
100% Success Without College, which serves to bring parents and young adults over to
the world of career training opportunities outside of the college experience. Explore the
hidden world of career training opportunities that are vast, unique, and are financially
and spiritually rewarding.Bruce is married to his sweetheart, Pam, and together they have five children and eight
grandchildren.5:30 PM – 5:35 PM – Pam Goodmansen – The Founder of the Arizona Tea-Party
Movement Director of Arizona Conservative Leaders5:35 PM – 5:50 PM – Christi Hutcherson – How and Why We Must Protect Our
BordersBiography – Mrs. Christie Hutcherson is the founder / lead voice of Women Fighting for
America (WFFA). WFFA was birthed to promote the truth about the Judeo-Christian
foundations of Government in AMerican to educate without bias, to protect the
Constitution and provide a platform to spread the truth.5:50 PM – 6:00 PM – Wendy Rogers
Biography – The unapologetically proud patriot, homeschooling mom-preneur, retired Air
Force Pilot and election fraud exposing Arizona State Senator.6:00 PM – 6:15 PM – Joey Gilbert – Just Say No to Friendly Fire
Joey Gilbert is a retired professional boxer, currently a criminal defense & personal
injury lawyer and sports agent.6:15 PM – 6:30 PM – Mel K – Puppet Masters Exposed: Dark to Light
Biography – Former Hollywood journalist, producer turned truth teller and podcast host.6:30 PM – 6:45 PM – General Michael Flynn
Tomorrow, Arizona GOP Chairwoman Kelli Ward, Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers, and Rep. Mark Finchem will take the stage as special guest speakers at President Trump’s Save America rally in Florence, Arizona.
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