Maricopa County Audit Call to Action – For all who participated in the audit

We are seeking as many audit participants as possible who witnessed things they could not speak about to participate in this collection of affidavits. So please share this with all who participated in the Maricopa County Elections Audit.

Here is the ask:

  1. Download this blank affidavit and complete it clearly documenting all aspects of your experience and abnormalities you experienced/witnessed. Download the blank affidavit here
    1. Here is a sample: sample to follow
  2. After completing it take it to get notarized. Your bank should do this for free.
  3. Return it to via email. PDF preferred but an image that is clear we can work with.
    1. In the email please include all of your contact information.
  4. We will schedule and invite you to a video group interview with Liz and at least one special guess (remaining unnamed at this moment) to capture what you stated in your affidavit.

This will be used to support legal action to be announced shortly. Please share this freely with anyone you know who participated in the audit. Not the canvassing just the audit.