Original article. I just stumbled onto this article. Even though the report came out 3/10/22, Colorado continues to experience a lot of Election Fraud in the 2022 primary elections. Perhaps I can add information about those cases in this post.

By Cause of America – Colorado, 10 June, 2022

[Denver, Colorado, March 10, 2022] – A report published today by the U.S. Election Integrity Plan (USEIP) found that hundreds of thousands of Colorado voters were impacted by election irregularities and anomalies in the 2020 elections. The report analyzed canvassing records from multiple Colorado Counties. Volunteers went door-to-door verifying public voting records. The election data that was verified is public, maintained by Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold.

Professional statisticians, mathematicians, retired military officers, software engineers, and corporate training specialists came together on a completely volunteer basis to design the canvassing program from start to finish. The peer-reviewed, statistical sampling method used for the canvassing was designed so that results can hold up in court. This strict and rigorous approach produced statistical significance in the canvassed counties.  More importantly, it allows for statistically sound assertions on voting irregularities to be made for the state as whole. Those assertions are stunning.  Extrapolating the canvassed county findings to the entire state, the number of impacted voters in Colorado is between 210,091 and 462,201.

The USEIP report exposes shocking types of widespread problems with the Colorado election system. A sample of the top irregularities in the report include:

Fake voters. The voter did not cast a ballot, but County Clerk and Recorder and Secretary of State managed records show a ballot was cast in the voter’s name.
Lost votes. The voter did cast a ballot but records show no ballot was cast.
Illegal votes. The voter did not live at the address indicated at the time of the 2020 election.
Voter data manipulation. The voter’s party affiliation changed without their authorization.
Voter database manipulation. The voter did not reside at the documented address in the voter database at the time of canvassing, but months after canvassing the voter was registered at the same address in the voter registration database.
Explaining or rationalizing these anomalies and irregularities will be extremely difficult for elected officials. It’s anticipated that county clerks, commissioners, and Secretary of State Jena Griswold will dismiss the Colorado canvassing report with flimsy excuses like the anomalies are not widespread, or no election is completely without some irregularities, or clerical errors can happen due to data and record transferring between databases.

Unfortunately, the data is overwhelming in USEIP’s Colorado Canvassing Report. The findings obliterate tired excuses historically used for dismissing objective evidence and dodging responsibility.

It’s anticipated election officials will shift blame to the public, claiming voters don’t understand how elections work, to dismiss legitimate public concerns. In fact, Secretary Griswold is joined by Executive Director of the Colorado County Clerks Association Matt Crane, numerous Colorado clerks, including Carly Koppes (Weld), and Chuck Broerman (El Paso), in parroting the tired and inaccurate trope, “Colorado’s elections are the gold standard!”

Clerk Broerman went so far as proudly claiming his voter rolls in El Paso are “pristine” after the 2021 local elections. In that same election, in cooperation with Secretary Griswold, El Paso’s election results were manually changed after a discrepancy was discovered between the state and county-reported results. The Colorado Canvassing Report exposes El Paso County as having an anomaly / irregularitity rate ranging from 7.5% to 13.5%. This translates to a range of 54,359 to 69,829 El Paso County voters.

“The 2020 voter data told a story. We found patterns in the data which signaled the results in Colorado’s 2020 election had serious, unexplained problems. The only way to unequivocally verify what we saw was to manually verify the publicly available information from the voters themselves. What this report proves is shocking. Every voter and elected official needs to immediately take action to investigate in order to understand how to fix our obviously broken election system.” States Jeff Young, the chief author of the report.

Given the slim margins deciding local races and measures, numerous elected officials and counties in the state have been impacted. There are many legal cases that serve as precedent for remedying illegal elections. In fact, it’s surprisingly common to have elected officials removed from office even after they’ve taken office, and after more than a year has passed since the certification of the race.

This should give Colorado voters confidence that they do not have to live with election results that have not been verified to their satisfaction to be error-free and legitimately run. Election officials have balked in the face of concerns presented by voters since election day 2020, claiming elections passed the required Risk Limiting Audit. The Risk Limiting Audit is only capable of verifying the electronic voting systems ability to count the paper ballots. By design The Risk Limiting Audit is incapable of detecting fake votes, lost votes, illegal votes, or voter database manipulation exposed in the CO Canvassing Report – along with other ballot and data anomalies.

USEIP’s canvassing program has been distributed as a model for numerous states in the nation.  USEIP continues working on restoring free and fair elections in Colorado. A media contact for USEIP stated, “Elections belong to the people. We will not stop finding and exposing the truth until we restore free and fair elections for the people of Colorado and the United States of America.”

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