Original article. Behizy recommends contacting the AG Brnovich this way. If you have a Locals account, you can watch his video at the “Original article” link. And, here is another related video on Odysee: Arizona Audit Results Demand Decertification.
Keep The Pressure On Arizona
With so much uncertainty, the most we can do is keep the pressure up. The Arizona Attorney general swears an oath to preserve the rule of law. The audit results prove that your voting rights have been violated. Don’t let them get away with it. Keep pressuring them to do the right thing.
Attorney General Civil Rights Complaint Form:
Maricopa County Elections Department Address (MCTEC):
510 S 3rd Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85003
We operate in Godly faith. Everything we do can only work with the guidance of God.
Civil Rights Intake Questionnaire
Individuals who believe they are victims of discrimination should submit a Civil Rights Intake Questionnaire to the Arizona Attorney General’s Office.